Thanks to both of you guys - I'll tell my OR that so he can look up the right paperwork or whatnot.
In regards to sundevil
Did you get pro-rec, prk, waiver, final selected (in that order)? How long ago was this?
i posted my story earlier but here is some more detail:
i was pro-rec'd SNA BDCP Sept 2006. i went to MEPS and applied for SCL waiver in November. The SCL waiver was rescinded before I was approved. In Dec, the Navy pitched me the same SNFO deal with the Navy-funded PRK and possibility of a transfer to SNA. I respectfully declined and got PRK in Jan 2007. BTW, the civilian at the recruiting office told me that the Navy would not hold my pro-rec and that I would have to completely re-apply.
Three months later, the last week in April, I called the recruiter to find out what I needed to do to re-apply. He asked if I could drop off my paper work ASAP and of course I did. He overnighted it and within a few days I was "waiver recommended" by some Navy Captain. as nugget81 said, you don't actually get your waiver approved until NAMI can see you in person.
in the first week of May, so less than a week after I dropped off the paperwork, I got a call from my recruiter who asked me if I was sitting down. I said yes and he then told me, "your waiver has been recommended, can you got to OCS on May 19?" WHAT?!?!?! i still had finals to complete, graduation, a job to quit, and less than two weeks get ready to move from Arizona to Florida for OCS.
I made it happen and the rest is history. i know this was a lot of info but i took the time to write it so that everyone who is going through the application process can see what the Navy CAN DO. yes there are guidelines and instructions on recruiting. but the bottom line is if you have a good recruiter who is willing to work for you, things can get done. the only recommendation i have for all of the applicants dealing with these issues is this:
be as professional and respectful as you can. show your recruiter how serious you are about doing this, and let him/her know you are willing to jump through whatever hoops necessary to achieve that final select. make them want to work hard to get you in the Navy because they need people with that kind of dedication.
good luck to you all, and if you have any more questions let me know.