Annapolis: turning 18-year-olds with the maturity level of 23-year-olds into 23-year-olds with the maturity level of 18-year-olds since 1844.
I think one could make an argument for turning the place into a British-style one-or two-year finishing school for aspiring commissioned officers with a bachelors degree. I don’t think that’s necessary, but one could argue for it.
I’m definitely not sure what cooping up the Academy mids, especially junior ones, like they do gets the Navy. Aside from alums arguing over whose life sucked worse. Seems a whole bunch of young Ensigns do just fine after four years of NROTC at a real college campus. And within about two years in the Fleet, no one knows the difference anyway.
On the flipside, it’s interesting that the Academy has done Plebe Summer since Moby Dick was a sardine, and now I hear NETC is apparently consolidating summer indoc for NROTC 4/c Mids at Great Mistakes.