As disgusted as I am with anyone who burns our flag as an act of hatred, it nevertheless falls under the realm of freedom of speech, both in my own personal perception, as well as the Supreme Court ruling (divided as it may have been).
Certainly I wish people wouldn't, but if someone feels that's the best way to express their ideas, as childish or immature as it appears to be to me, that's their choice.
I understand the idea behind congress trying to pass the amendment to overturn that Supreme Court ruling. It's noble, but I think it's out of bounds. The Constitution is not the place to specify such narrowly bounded rules, that is the place for the U.S.C. and the courts to decide. I realize passing an amendment is the ultimate check of congress on the courts, but I still think it would be out of place. The courts found the original prohibitions unconstitutional through its violation of personal rights of free speech. Seems to me that our congressmen are trying to say "screw free speech."
I find the likelihood of this amendment passing the senate still unlikely... let alone passing the 38 state ratification requirement. Still, hard to tell what people are thinking nowadays. They may just vote for it, not considering that it's actually limiting their freedom of expression. It could be a serious slippery slope if it goes through.