Although there are a few small items left, the renovation of the other half of the basement into a gym is complete. The area of black mats is roughly 16'x18' although the furnace, water heater and water softener take a chunk of it. Storage is at the very back and covered with a flag. The matting is interlocking double density foam and vinyl wood planking is inexpensively glued to the upper half of the walls with drywall on the bottom. Flat black paint for trim and shelves while stained wood for the crawlspace / under stairs storage doors. Was able to cover 1 PVC pipe with 1/4" manilla rope (easy to do but time consuming) - will eventually do the one in the back.
Half power rack for bench and squats with assorted attachments, dedicated heavy duty deadlift bar with deep knurling for a better grip, Roman chair with curl attachment, dip / pullup bar (not in the photos), elliptical machine and stationary bike - with a 43" TV to watch Drachifinel historical naval videos while riding - or in this case, some music videos. (waiting for the shelf attachment under the TV for the BluRay player / streaming device to arrive.) Finally, some prints of different places around the globe we have been to: Innsbruck, Palma, Sydney, Melbourne, etc...
And that should be it for projects for a while...
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