This is in response to the question "Does prior flight time help?" This is definitely one of my pet peaves. Of course it helps. Does running before OCS help? Not if your goal is to sit in GTX. The people who say it doesn't help tend to be the one's with a lot of hours. Sure, primary will be tough, the pattern's tighter, the planes faster, the instructor's are oh so nice and caring, but every hour you have is going to help. Most of the people I saw with high NSS's had prior flight time, in some cases a lot. Sure some guys with tons of hours suck, and some guys with no time shine. Eventually things even out, but I believe that happens after primary. But if your spending the money try and make it count. Don't worry so much about licenses after your private and possibly instrument. If you get these you'll be accelerated, which boosts your NSS. Push yourself by flying a tight pattern, use the approach turn rather than a box if you can, fly to different airports and get used to various radio calls, rent a faster plane, and practice tacan or vor/dme approaches because intstrument seems to be the major stumbling block for most students. An instructor told me they can teach anyone the monkey skills but intruments is where people fail. Bi's and Ri's are at the beginning of intermediate jets and I've seen them destroy more good guys than anything except possibley dui's. As long as you go in motivated and doen't expect your prior time to make it easy you should be fine. Oh, and don't train at an airforce base unless you like 12 hour days, doing stand ups, and walking the pattern in the ready room with the instructors making you put your cover on to pretend your gear is down.