So lets assume you get a Pro Rec - Y, is there ever a situation where the Navy would repeal their Pro Rec and not send you a FINSEL effectively making you ineligible to go through OCS? I know the big ones are Medical and Security Clearance, any others? I am a bit confused with the medical reason because I thought MEPS had to be done before you submit your kit, I was cleared from MEPS and I don't have any other medical screening until NAMI. But NAMI is, I think, after you receive your FINSEL. So how can some one be DQ for medical reasons?
Also Security Clearance, I have looked around and I can't seem to find a similar situation. I was born in the US but have a dual citizenship (from an EU country). I didn't really choose it, my parents just sort of signed me up for it when I was an kid. I have a clean record: no crime, no debts, nothing. As part of the law of the country, It is required to vote if there is an election. One summer when I was there on vacation, I was required to vote, again not really my choice. If I have a pretty clean record would I need to be concerned about not getting a Security Clearance due to my dual citizenship? I mentioned all this in my SF86 and I hope to actually get an interview so I can explain my situation in detail. But are the investigators just going to look at it and say "this just doesn't smell right" and not grant me a clearance no exceptions?
My recruiter told me to NOT renounce my citizenship until the board convenes and until after my background check is complete, was that a wise move?
Sorry for the long message.