I think you mean Air Force. Anybody going into the service JUST to fly will be severely disappointed with both the Navy and the Marine Corps.
I disagree with this. I'm almost ashamed of this at this point, but the AF was the service I contacted first. I figured flying, Air Force. Makes sense, right?
The short story is, it was a waste of time. No offense to any AF people here, if we even have those, but I was not impressed at all. It was kind of like they were doing me a favor by just allowing me in their office. The look on their faces when I said I wanted to fly was priceless. It was like, "You gotta be kidding, *another* one." They didn't come out and say it, but they basically said I was a no-go for flight, because their Academy grads get first dibs on that, but I could end up in admin somewhere. This, of course, is after they showed up 20 minutes late to the briefing they scheduled which I drove an hour to attend.
The Marine OSO people, though...what a difference. They are sharp, helpful, and will bust their ass to make sure you end up where you should be, provided you are motivated and bust your ass as well. My OSO wakes up two hours early to drive to my college and PT with us for a couple of hours, and then drives back. That kind of thing really makes you want to give your all during the application process, and I *seriously* doubt anyone from the AF office I went to would have done anything close to this.
After talking to the Air Force people, the professionalism you see from the Marines is like night and day. I figured that these are definitely the kind of people I want to work with...and, guess what? They have flight contracts up front, to boot. A few months later, I'm set to go to OCS with an NFO contract in my hand.
I can't speak for the Navy side, I have no experience with it. If you want to contact the AF, go ahead. Even if it goes poorly, it'll make you appreciate Marines that much much more. Besudes, maybe the guys I talked to were having a bad day or something, and I'm not about to generalize about an entire service based on the actions (or lack thereof) of two individuals. Even so, I can pretty much garuntee the Marine OSO people will do more for you, if you are willing to meet them halfway.
/sales pitch