I have the 2005 edition sitting in front of me, but just for your enjoyment I did a little searching for everybody and found the 2006 edition (I am terrible at internet searching):
Chapter 5, page 3
Note the number I was talking about is the 75xx MOS. Aviation logistics, maint., and ordnance are separate.
Thanks for the link, here is the breakdown...
Pilot/NFOs -- 5,322 -- 28.18%
Infantry -- 2,122 -- 11.24%
Logistics -- 1,406 -- 7.45%
Field Artillery -- 861 -- 4.56%
Air C2 -- 529 -- 2.80%
Aircraft Maint. -- 403 -- 2.13%
Tank & AAV -- 320 -- 1.69%
Aviation Logistics -- 247 -- 1.31%
Aviation Ordnance -- 94 -- 0.50%
Total ==> 18,885
All aviation based MOSs = 35.84% of USMC Officers