Put it this way: a bunch of us Divvo's once had a serious discussion about whether, given the choice, we would rather come in for a full day of work, or take a kick in the junk and go home. The effect was the same, but at least with the kick in the junk, it's over quicker and then you have the rest of the day for yourself. :icon_tong
I will thanks !. If you don't mind me asking what made you want to do SWO?Do a search man. There's some info on here, though be careful about taking AW's thoughts on SWOs as the gospel (though some of it is spot on I suppose).
Once you're researched the community, if you have specific questions about billets, duties, ships, homeports, deployment cycles, or anything else- post them.
There are some SWOs on here who really know what they're talking about. I'm commissioning as one in about a month so I have some limited knowledge of the community as well (feel free to PM me).