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Questions- Adivce Appreciated


New Member
Hello all! I really want to be a naval aviator (1.jets) and have had this desire for a long time. Even though I'm a junior in high school, I'd like any advice from you regarding the process (review book for ASTB, where to find NATOPS manuals, tips on doing well in primary to get jets, doing well in the jet pipeline, getting F-18s, and beyond!) I'd also like tips and advice on getting an appointment to the Naval Academy and NROTC (and flight contracts for NROTC). I know this is alot, but I'd really appreciate it! My public profile has the rest of my information. Thank you!


Hello all! ... Thank you!

Hello. Don't worry about anything besides the following right now:

1) Finish HS strong (Good grades, play sports, community service, no drugs, alcohol or anything else stupid)

2) Get into college

3) Apply for NROTC/Academy

The NATOPS/ASTB study books are pointless as they will likely change before your flying/applying for flying.

As for Jets...well, the odds are starting to stack against you unless you do really well...but for right now, seperate the trees from the forest and stick to the 3 notes above.



New Member
Thanks! What kind of grades would you suggest for the Academy/ NROTC? Also, my ECAs are: lacrosse, boxing, eagle scout, CAP, community serivce, church orginization. Are those acceptable?


Active Member
where to find NATOPS manuals, tips on doing well in primary to get jets, doing well in the jet pipeline, getting F-18s, and beyond!)

NATOPS manuals...wow

But wrong attitude to get respect around here. Glad to see your aspiration, "but in five years alot will change sweet pea, maybe another war..." seriously Focus on Earning the Gold bars first. Oh and remember everyone in API must pass the Helo dunker.... not the JETS dunker.

G' luck


What kind of grades would you suggest for the Academy/ NROTC?

Seriously? Dood...you have to do as best you can. The better you do the better chance you have for the programs.

Listen, do what you can do. What are you on this thing during school hours anyway for? Work hard, play hard, have fun and it'll sort itself out.


New Member
Thanks everybody! I'm able to be on this forum right now because I'm on a college visit right now. I'm just really exicted about the prospect of being a naval aviator.I'm not trying to be ambitious or arrogant against helo pilots or any other aviators (I would not mind flying other kinds of aircraft). Jets are just my first choice. But you're right, I'll focus on getting a comission; just planning ahead.


His blood smells like cologne.
I concur with the above... In order to succeed you have to focus on the next step. Right now, it wouldn't serve any purpose to read a NATOPS manual. In order to fly anything in the Navy you first have to accomplish the following IN ORDER:

Graduate High School
Apply for a College/University
Get accepted to a College/University
Work extra hard at College/University and get good grades
Graduate College
Apply for a commissioning program (if ROTC/Academy will be simultaneous with college)
Get accepted in commissioning program
Work hard in commissioning program
Earn Commission/Become an officer
Work hard in API
Graduate API
Work hard in Primary <-This is where you should take your first look at a NATOPS
Finish Primary

When looked at as a whole, it seems insurmountable, at least that's how it felt to me when I was where you are. But you eat an elephant one bite at a time. This is a set of hoops you need to jump through consecutively. You won't make it very far if you are spending 3 hours a day in college studying a T-34 NATOPS while the next step isn't getting done (getting good grades in college as to make yourself competitive for the flight program). Accomplish these tasks by devoting all of your attention to the next step, all the while being aware of the following step.

Hope the jibber jabber makes sense. Good on you for figuring out what you want in life so early and aggressively pursuing it. You'll find that this forum will be a huge resource along the path. Practically every question you will have has been asked and answered ad nauseum, so use the search function.


Accomplish these tasks by devoting all of your attention to the next step, all the while being aware of the following step.


This is great advice. Even the process of getting a package put together and submitted seems almost impossible if you try to get everything done at once. The only way I got it all done on time was to focus on one detail at a time, while keeping the next step in the back of my mind. One step at a time!

Mr. Blonde

My ass is a motherfuckin' champion
Not to mention a T-34 NATOPS probably won't make any damn sense to you until you've had the systems class in Primary. Also, you're so young by the time you get here you'll more than likely be flying T-6B's so you'd be starting again from scratch. I know you're eager but you'll have plenty of time when you get here to study. I know a few jet pilots and none of them started studying anything before they were supposed to.


Crusty Shellback
I concur with the above... In order to succeed you have to focus on the next step. Right now, it wouldn't serve any purpose to read a NATOPS manual. In order to fly anything in the Navy you first have to accomplish the following IN ORDER:

Graduate High School
Apply for a College/University
Get accepted to a College/University
Work extra hard at College/University and get good grades
Graduate College
Apply for a commissioning program (if ROTC/Academy will be simultaneous with college)
Get accepted in commissioning program
Work hard in commissioning program
Earn Commission/Become an officer
Work hard in API
Graduate API
Work hard in Primary <-This is where you should take your first look at a NATOPS
Finish Primary

When looked at as a whole, it seems insurmountable, at least that's how it felt to me when I was where you are. But you eat an elephant one bite at a time. This is a set of hoops you need to jump through consecutively. You won't make it very far if you are spending 3 hours a day in college studying a T-34 NATOPS while the next step isn't getting done (getting good grades in college as to make yourself competitive for the flight program). Accomplish these tasks by devoting all of your attention to the next step, all the while being aware of the following step.

Hope the jibber jabber makes sense. Good on you for figuring out what you want in life so early and aggressively pursuing it. You'll find that this forum will be a huge resource along the path. Practically every question you will have has been asked and answered ad nauseum, so use the search function.

Is there a reason you didn't put chasing tail in there?

It builds character...and when you're "off your game", it builds a thick skin..necessary to have in naval aviation. :D


Is there a reason you didn't put chasing tail in there?

It builds character...and when you're "off your game", it builds a thick skin..necessary to have in naval aviation. :D

Also builds "Cauliflowers" if done improperly. haha...you're first STD brief will be an eye-opener (or shutter) for sure.

Never pick up anything you can't put RIGHT back down.