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Questions- Adivce Appreciated


New Member
Hey Guys!
I've been accepted to the Naval Academy Summer Seminar, so that also makes me an official candidate for admission! The first step!


Well-Known Member
Hey guys I got into NAPS on Monday! And I'd I get a nomination I can still get a direct appointment!

Congratulations! Take it and run with it. NAPS is a great program. If you want one bit of advice for flight school (4-5 years from now): save your money and get some civilian flight school instruction (if you can do it, get your private license). While it is not crucial or necessary (I had zero stick time before entering primary), it does give you a small leg up in the first stages. That is important in that you should eke out better grades in the early stages before everyone else catches up (and they will)- and a few good grades may make the difference when you select at the end of primary.


Well-Known Member
I'll play devil's advocate here. I'll say don't spend your money on getting your PPL. Yes it does give you some experience, but civilian flying is completely different from military flying. Civilians have one way of teaching it but the military will expect you to learn it their way and they start teaching everybody the SAME way, as if they have no flying time.

Also, unless IFS has officially been scrapped from the pipeline, you get about 25 hours of flying time on the government's dime BEFORE you even get to API. As long as you study hard, you can do well. There are plenty of pilots out there with no prior time who have done very well.