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Quick Question about Passports and 2/C Cruise


New Member
So I just got my orders to Yokosuka, Japan for my 2/C Cruise, from June 20th- July 15th.

I wasn't expecting the cruise to be so early, so my Passport is still being processed. I sent everything in about a month ago. I was wondering if a Passport is needed to get on the airplane to Japan, or needed in Japan at all, or if I can just use my Military ID and Travel Orders.



Internet killed the television star
Outside US = Passport

Some exceptions, used to be able to travel through NATO countries with US orders, but I dunno about nowadays. That's not Japan anyways, so wouldn't matter.


So I just got my orders to Yokosuka, Japan for my 2/C Cruise, from June 20th- July 15th.

I wasn't expecting the cruise to be so early, so my Passport is still being processed. I sent everything in about a month ago. I was wondering if a Passport is needed to get on the airplane to Japan, or needed in Japan at all, or if I can just use my Military ID and Travel Orders.

Talk to your unit's Yeoman IMMEDIATELY! That is kind of a big deal, and they need to know about it ASAP!


Previously under SOFA, it used to only take orders and ID card. Not sure if things have changed at all recently. Talk to your unit staff and have them get the official info that you need.


working, working, working ...
Japan you can still enter with a military ID and orders.

And from the customs FAQ: "Currently, an individual traveling as a member of the United States armed forces on active duty is not required to present a valid passport to enter or depart the United States. There are no changes under the air rule for members of the U.S. armed forces. Any future changes, if necessary, will be addressed during the second phase of the WHTI rulemaking process."

Now if the ship is not in Japan during that period you still might need to get a passport.


loving my warm and comfy 214 blanket
Talk to your unit's Yeoman IMMEDIATELY! That is kind of a big deal, and they need to know about it ASAP!

^ ignorant and bad gouge

No, it's not a big deal. You can travel on orders w/ military ID and do not need a passport. It will however keep you from going to places like malaysia if you happen to pull into singapore on a ship.


livin' the dream
I didn't need a passport to get into Bahrain, just my military ID and orders. I also did not want them to see that I had travel to Israel stamped in my passport before cruise.

I'm not sure if Japan is the same way, so I would just check with someone who traveled there recently. It's always good to have a passport anyway, G-d forbid something happens.


Well-Known Member
I (still) do not have a passport.. I have traveled into Bahrain, UAE, Netherlands, England and Spain with just travel orders and ID.

Can't go 30 min south to Mehico though... Not that I want to.. Too much ORM paperwork.


^ ignorant and bad gouge

No, it's not a big deal. You can travel on orders w/ military ID and do not need a passport. It will however keep you from going to places like malaysia if you happen to pull into singapore on a ship.

Which is precisely why it's a big deal..
From the Midshipman Summer Training Handbook...
408. PASSPORTS/VISAS. Passports/visas are not normally required for midshipmen. However, if the midshipman is proceeding to a nation requiring such documentation, parent USNA/NROTC units are responsible to ensure that midshipmen have in their possession a tourist passport or no-fee official passport and visa prior to departure from CONUS. The office of Passport Services, Department of State, will not issue a no-fee official passport without proper birth documentation. It is highly recommended, that all midshipmen cruising OUTCONUS have a valid (blue) tourist passport.

A number of middies have lost out on some good deals because they did not have their passport. My advice still stands, contact your unit ASAP.


livin' the dream
When we made port calls we did not need our passports to get on land (on my cruise it was true of Bahrain, UAE, Malaysia, and Hong Kong). But like fc2 said, when we were in Hong Kong, if we wanted to go on a tour that went into Mainland China, we needed a passport. A lot of people missed out on those Mainland tours because they didn't have passports.


Internet killed the television star
There might be a bit of a distinction to make here. If you're traveling on commercial air, I would highly recommend getting a passport as the chance exists to stopover in other countries that may not have a SOFA with the US (i.e., quite a few of the south-eastern Asian countries).

That said, if you know you'll be traveling to and from solely on military transport, then you'll more than likely not need a passport at all.


Well-Known Member
Site Admin
Regardless of what the particular country needs, here's all you need to do... Have the people at where ever your passport is coming to (parents at home or room mate at school) receive the passport and then either mail it to you on the ship or take it to your unit and they can mail it. For Japan, it's not a big deal, and the passport should catch up w/ you.

I had the exact same issue when I was on cruise. Came in in Bahrain, didn't need anything. Passports hadn't caught up w/ 3 of the 4 of us by the time we got to the PI. Since we couldn't leave there, we got an extra week on the ship (and 3 days in the PI that I remember parts of). Then we flew off in Japan. Of course the passports showed up about day 2 in the PI, but by then no one cared.


New Member
Thanks a lot guys, it isn't that I'm deciding whether I want one or not, I'm just wondering if I will be able to get to Japan without one. Thanks for the idea about mailing it gator. If I don't get it, my parents will probably end up receiving it soon after I am gone.

Phew. I was scared I was going to lose my awesome cruise, and end up somewhere like Norfolk...... ;)



Drill baby drill!
Try and get the passport still. It is a good backup to have incase you run into any bumps you might run into.

When I departed my MSC ship, we had to go through Athens, and at the airport, I ran into some trouble. Basically I was getting stamped out of the country but had never been stamped in.

It was a little bump that could have turned into a bigger one as we then had to sprint across the airport to make it to the plane and were the last ones to board.

I have not missed a ship movement, but have friends who have.
Do not miss a ship movement, it causes pain all around.