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Quick Question about Passports and 2/C Cruise


Whateva! I do what I want!
Super Moderator
Although in Bahrain I was kinda sketched out because as we were going through customs an official told the group (very loudly) for all American military personnel to go into one line. Didn't really appreciate that too much. But yeah have your passport and you won't have to show your orders and military ID.


Remotely piloted
Super Moderator
Just for conversation sakes...If you are travelling to Egypt, you will still need a passport regardless of DOD ID and travel orders.


Well-Known Member
Site Admin
Although in Bahrain I was kinda sketched out because as we were going through customs an official told the group (very loudly) for all American military personnel to go into one line. Didn't really appreciate that too much. But yeah have your passport and you won't have to show your orders and military ID.

In Dec of 2003 I flew to London from D.C. I was on leave so totally incognito, but there were two gentleman ahead of me who were traveling w/ military passports. As they presented them to the ticket weenie, the weenie said very loudly to the two gentlemen that if you're traveling on military passports, you need to show your orders. That really pissed me off. I didn't say anything at the time, but I was kicking myself the whole trip over, wishing I had taken the guy aside and explained why he was wrong. This was one week before the mad shoe bomber (sorry, can't remember his name) got "detained" on the flight from France.


Registered User
i have always had two passports US and UK but when I did my cruise to Japan i went trough immigration with another middi who didnt have a passport...also when i pulled into russia on port call no passport needed.

that being said, get a passport. Having only military ID as an ID is foolish while traveling the globe.


Internet killed the television star
In Dec of 2003 I flew to London from D.C. I was on leave so totally incognito, but there were two gentleman ahead of me who were traveling w/ military passports. As they presented them to the ticket weenie, the weenie said very loudly to the two gentlemen that if you're traveling on military passports, you need to show your orders. That really pissed me off. I didn't say anything at the time, but I was kicking myself the whole trip over, wishing I had taken the guy aside and explained why he was wrong. This was one week before the mad shoe bomber (sorry, can't remember his name) got "detained" on the flight from France.

Military passports? I've traveled on my official passport quite a bit but I've never heard of a military version, just diplomatic (black), official (red), and civilian (blue).

Of course, that doesn't preclude the fact that the ticket agent could have been an idiot and just assumed official=military.


is clara ship
as a mid all I needed in Australia (during my 2/c cruise) was a standard issue US citizen passport.


Internet killed the television star
as a mid all I needed in Australia (during my 2/c cruise) was a standard issue US citizen passport.

That's all you would need, the other types of passports are for people who are traveling on official business for the US.


Well-Known Member
Site Admin
Military passports? I've traveled on my official passport quite a bit but I've never heard of a military version, just diplomatic (black), official (red), and civilian (blue).

Of course, that doesn't preclude the fact that the ticket agent could have been an idiot and just assumed official=military.

Sorry, my term "military" was just my own words. They were "Official," ie, non-tourist passports. Same thing I was waiting for in the PI. To use them as a military member requires a set of orders. The ticket agent was correct in saying he needed to see the orders, but could have done it in a more tactful way.