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Random Griz Aviation Musings

mad dog

HELNONMONKSPANKRON assistant to the assistant PAO
Flew right seat on 727 as a contract pilot for a few years during my Hawaiian furlough. Great plane to fly.

My FE time was on DC-10s.
I’ve heard [and witnessed from the 727 SO panel at Delta] that right seat on the 727 is the best [easiest] flying job out there. ?


Well-Known Member
Site Admin
I'm guessing I have at least another month, but I'm really getting antsy to get my upgrade. I flew home today bringing mine back from it's hideout spot for the storm. 3,500' and 135 knots true at 9.6-ish GPH while on autopilot is really nice, but the added precision RNAV capability and no vacuum system will be the icing on the cake!

That reminds me, I really need to get my IPC....

HAL Pilot

Well-Known Member
When I flew corporate during my furlough from Hawaiian, one of the things I made sure of was that the owner hired someone else to wash & wax the plane, deep clean the interior or, or sweep & mop the hangar floor. I told them there were plenty of FBOs and the like that do this kind of stuff. I would fly and do the maintenance admin for the plane but I wasn't an aircraft cleaner or a lav dumper. He agreed. If he hadn't, I would have turned down the job. This is actually a real problem at the lower tier corporate bottom dwelling corporate positions and is a constant battle fought by the rest to stop.

Yes we are "too good" for this stuff. We are professional pilots not aircraft cleaners and should be treated as such.


Standing by for the RIF !
When I flew corporate during my furlough from Hawaiian, one of the things I made sure of was that the owner hired someone else to wash & wax the plane, deep clean the interior or, or sweep & mop the hangar floor. I told them there were plenty of FBOs and the like that do this kind of stuff. I would fly and do the maintenance admin for the plane but I wasn't an aircraft cleaner or a lav dumper. He agreed. If he hadn't, I would have turned down the job. This is actually a real problem at the lower tier corporate bottom dwelling corporate positions and is a constant battle fought by the rest to stop.

Yes we are "too good" for this stuff. We are professional pilots not aircraft cleaners and should be treated as such.
Well, when you're on the board of directors of a busy owner equity based flying club, my first priority is to keep costs low for our owners so aircraft cleaning and waxing is all hands on deck! Should have gotten @mad dog out here to coach - he details a vehicle like nobody's business!


Frightening children with the Griz-O-Copter!
Another beautiful morning around the DC area. Did a few turn along the area rivers. That’s the Woodrow Wilson Bridge over the Potomac and if you zoom in just to the left of the prop blur you can see an American Airlines heavy on final to DCA.


HAL Pilot

Well-Known Member
Well, when you're on the board of directors of a busy owner equity based flying club, my first priority is to keep costs low for our owners so aircraft cleaning and waxing is all hands on deck! Should have gotten @mad dog out here to coach - he details a vehicle like nobody's business!
Understand. Plus you’re a club so it’s different.