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Random Griz Aviation Musings


Frightening children with the Griz-O-Copter!
Both my operational flying tours were around the bay and I don't think I've ever seen a single seaplane out there which in hindsight does seem kind of odd. I know guys at NOB used to go get their seaplane qual in one of the local-ish lakes but I never saw any seaplanes around. Probably doesn't help that big chunks of the bay and Potomac are under restricted areas.
This Marylander will teach you...and tell you some F-18 sea stories to boot!



Recovering NFO. Herder of Programmers.
Super Moderator
Reminds me of waving an SNA in the CQ pattern at the Lex, and he was droning on and on about some non-flight critical malfunction, and he ends with "I don't know what to do."

CNATRA paddles standing next to me helpfully suggests, "Tell him to roll inverted and pull."
Remember sitting in the student ready room in Meridian when one of my classmates was describing some sort of compound EP hell he’d had inflicted on him in the simulator recently. He gets done setting up the scenario systems-wise, and our class leader just goes “I eject out of sheer laziness.”


Standing by for the RIF !
I've been giving a lot of instruction and training in a Mooney M20C - for its new owner. Not having ever flown a Mooney its been a bit of a joint learning experience. It is a little disconcerting not to have brakes on the copilot side.

It is fast - but loses energy in a heartbeat in anything other than straight and level. Shockingly so - you do not want to get low and slow in this thing.

Mechanical landing gear extension/retraction - via the "Johnson bar" - most Rube Goldberg thing I have seen in aviation short of the Engine Condition Actuator on the H-46.

Manual hydraulic pump flaps. Simple and effective. But its like pumping up a garage jack in @mad dog 's driveway.


Frightening children with the Griz-O-Copter!
Still a bit IFRy around here...maybe this afternoon.


Professional Pot Stirrer
Got back from a week in Branson and snuck in a quick .6 yesterday late For a pinkie landing. Out of the overhead and turning to final, I asked my son if he had the runway and he said I think so. Then few mic clicks later, it was lit up like Christmas. He was “wow, how did they do that...”. Lol


Well-Known Member
Site Admin
I can't remember if it was this thread or another, but I had made a comment about Bose headset comfort, and the lack of it for me. A few weeks ago, I caught a ride in someone's Bonanza so I could go pick up my plane that was in annual. He had another Bose set and I had the same issue...hot spot at the hinge point after about 20 minutes. I could move it around and deal with it for the hour flight, but I'm not interested in spending a grand for uncomfortableness.

So, anyone here using or have used a Lightspeed Zulu 3? I found a YT review of a guy who compared the Bose and the Z3, and he said initially he had the same hot spot, but it went away with wear. Otherwise he favored the Z3s. I need to do more Googling, but figured I'd ask here. I'm still using a non-ANR David Clark 13.4 and it works fine, but ANR is always a nice addition.


Frightening children with the Griz-O-Copter!
I can't remember if it was this thread or another, but I had made a comment about Bose headset comfort, and the lack of it for me. A few weeks ago, I caught a ride in someone's Bonanza so I could go pick up my plane that was in annual. He had another Bose set and I had the same issue...hot spot at the hinge point after about 20 minutes. I could move it around and deal with it for the hour flight, but I'm not interested in spending a grand for uncomfortableness.

So, anyone here using or have used a Lightspeed Zulu 3? I found a YT review of a guy who compared the Bose and the Z3, and he said initially he had the same hot spot, but it went away with wear. Otherwise he favored the Z3s. I need to do more Googling, but figured I'd ask here. I'm still using a non-ANR David Clark 13.4 and it works fine, but ANR is always a nice addition.
I just bought a Quiet Technologies Headset. It is very simple and uses in-ear plugs like a CEP unit to work. Now...it is NOT anywhere near as quiet as a Bose or Zulu ANR set, but it is amazingly comfortable and inexpensive (about $300). I would say it is as quiet as a standard pair of David Clark’s but 100 times more comfortable. Now I can put on or take off my hat and/or sunglasses with ease.


Frightening children with the Griz-O-Copter!
Speaking of the H-19...did any of you old guys know these existed?
Winnebago Heli-Home
View attachment 26875
Found one! Sure, it is a bit of a fixer-upper, but far worse have been rescued. My guess...$75 to $100K to get her looking pretty and flying. Keeping her is the air, however, is the real cost!

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