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Random Griz Aviation Musings


Frightening children with the Griz-O-Copter!
For all the local people, especially the Pagistanians, “Washington Executive,” Hyde Field has declared bankruptcy and is up for sale. Sadly, the county says it can hold up to 1500 homes or a shopping mall. The area is kind of on the edge of open space and urban space and will be a loss.

Worse...for me...if it goes to homes people will buy them and suddenly become “aware” that my airfield is nearby and demand it be closed.



Standing by for the RIF !
For all the local people, especially the Pagistanians, “Washington Executive,” Hyde Field has declared bankruptcy and is up for sale. Sadly, the county says it can hold up to 1500 homes or a shopping mall. The area is kind of on the edge of open space and urban space and will be a loss.

Worse...for me...if it goes to homes people will buy them and suddenly become “aware” that my airfield is nearby and demand it be closed.

Pre-preemptive strike! How many runway denial munitions can you hang on that aircraft?


War Hoover NFO.
Super Moderator
a little short field, soft field instruction in the bug smasher this morning. a beautiful morning here in Ohio, 70° a little overcast and great visibility to one of the best general aviation airports you will ever come across - 40I.

View attachment 27012
"Is this heaven?" A well manicured turf runway is a tail wheel pilot's dream. I have never known the joy.


Standing by for the RIF !
"Is this heaven?" A well manicured turf runway is a tail wheel pilot's dream. I have never known the joy.
I do it in all the Cessna singles - 206, 182, 172. And it is a great place to shut down, buy a coke, talk flying with folks, etc. The runway is well cared for - rolled and mowed regularly, and good drainage.

HAL Pilot

Well-Known Member
Plenty of dirt around here. Have yet to find a grass strip

Wouldn't that be because you living in....I don't know....a desert would it????

I've never seen any grass strips around Vegas either...


Well-Known Member
Site Admin
Landed on grass myself today, the bounce was.......epic.

It's funny, with skids, grass is my favorite because it's so forgiving. I can land much quicker (or at least put one skid down quicker, then check for slope) on grass. Metal and concrete are way more bouncy, if you don't do your part.