Final Select Supply Corps
"We have found a witch, may we burn her?"
"How do you know she is a witch?"
"She LOOKS like one!"
Ahhhh...Monty Python.
In all seriousness, I'll support Seafort on the evidence-gathering. There are GREAT recruiters and HORRIBLE, DISHONEST recruiters - however I think that fixed Officer Recruiters are better than the Army's recruiters.
As the others have told you, sdgigles, be very careful before you pull any sort of trigger. Without unfounded evidence, this open up a whoooooole 'nother can o' worms much more squirmy than a difficult OR.
I'll advise one other thing. Try, if you can, to build a rapport with the other officer recruiters in the NRD and even your processor. That can help an incredible amount (my OR was out for a month on sick leave and I had to work with the other OR in the office AND my two processors to get my package ready).
Just see it through, the months are almost finished. If not selected, opt then. But see one cycle through.
"How do you know she is a witch?"
"She LOOKS like one!"
Ahhhh...Monty Python.
In all seriousness, I'll support Seafort on the evidence-gathering. There are GREAT recruiters and HORRIBLE, DISHONEST recruiters - however I think that fixed Officer Recruiters are better than the Army's recruiters.
As the others have told you, sdgigles, be very careful before you pull any sort of trigger. Without unfounded evidence, this open up a whoooooole 'nother can o' worms much more squirmy than a difficult OR.
I'll advise one other thing. Try, if you can, to build a rapport with the other officer recruiters in the NRD and even your processor. That can help an incredible amount (my OR was out for a month on sick leave and I had to work with the other OR in the office AND my two processors to get my package ready).
Just see it through, the months are almost finished. If not selected, opt then. But see one cycle through.