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Rep. Weldon's speech 10/19/05

I know it was on CPSAN, not the most entertaining of channels, but please tell me someone else out there saw Congressman Weldon's speech tonight regarding Able Danger and 9/11. I couldn't be more proud to see him put his own life and career on the line by standing up for Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer...I'm not a regular CSPANer by any means--I was holed up in my office with Michael Savage on the radio, when this Congressman called in and Mike put him on. He sounded all riled up, so I started paying attention...What he was speaking about is pretty frickin amazing, if that's the word. Despicable, more like it. If you saw his speech or know more of the story, please post. I want to know what you all thought...
Act like we care...

As military officers (past, present, or aspiring) it would serve you and our nation well to take a keen interest in current affairs. Not just in the Middle East, or Asia, or any other region of the world, but in our own halls of Congress. Do you know what is happening here? An officer like yourselves is being DESTROYED for taking a stand for the truth. If you're not aware, make yourself so. Read up on it. The Congressman's name is Curt Weldon (R-PA). The Lt. Col.'s name is Anthony Shaffer. Granted, it may not be as exciting as talking about the "pros and cons of adopting the A-10 for the USMC" (argue about something that matters, seriously. Are you ever going to see an A-10 under Marine Corps markings? No. You only get so much breath on this earth, why waste it...). I enjoy this site, read and reread posts on here daily, but people need to wake up. Talk about the latest Greek restaurant all you want, but don't forget what matters--your livelihood and that of fellow honorable officers. Respond if you want, surprise me. I'm out.


Super Moderator
The Able Danger bit has been fairly big news around DC lately, I have even been told not to erase any emails/documents/official things dealing with the program. I don't have any, so I am following those instructions to the letter...;) .

The big problem is that while Lt Col Anthony Shaffer, CAPT Scott Philpott and others have claimed that Able Danger identified several of the 9/11 hijackers well before 9/11, most notably Mohammed Atta, they have produced no evidence. Whiel they might sound pretty cheesy, nothing other than the recollections of a few of the people who worked on the program (out of many) has come up to corroborate their claims. The supposed chart that had Atta on it was supposedly destroyed (the guy who claims he had it said he had to get rid of it during a move or renovation and he threw it away:confused: , if I had something with that hot a peice of information on it I would have held on to it really tight.....) and no other documentation exists to back up the claims. And the dates that people claim that Able Danger picked up on Atta and the others were before they entered the states or on anyones' radar screen. How they would have picked him out is a mystery.

Another problem, Lt Col Shaffer has no first hand knowledge of all of this, he was the DIA liason to Able Danger and only passed on what he was told about Atta by others involved in the program. He never saw the chart in question or anything else with his own eyes. Oh yeah, one more thing, Lt Col Shaffer had on administrative leave since March 2004 and has lost his security clearance. He loses a little bit of credibility. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,170878,00.html

Yet another problem, Rep. Curt Weldon has brought up a few other things that he claims the Intelligence Community, specifically the CIA, has ignored and/or screwed up on. While you can find plenty that the CIA has screwed up on, some of Rep. Weldon's claims are a little shaky to say the least. In his book, Countdown to Terror http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0895260050/103-6198410-1844666?v=glance&n=283155&v=glance , Rep. Weldon claims that he has a source that knows that Iran is hiding Osama bin Laden, is preparing terrorist attacks against the United States, has a crash program to build an atomic bomb and, as a Shiite country, is the chief sponsor of what is a largely Sunni-directed insurgency in Iraq. While there might be truth to some of them, his source (named 'Ali' by him) is most likely a man labled as a fabricator by the CIA and has proven very unreliable in the past http://www.answers.com/topic/manucher-ghorbanifar .

Plus, how is Rep. Weldon risking his career by coming forward with this information? The only threat to is career is not getting reelected.

So while the Able Danger story is definitely tantilizing, it has been a lot of smoke and no fire. There has been no evidence to back up the claims of Rep. Weldon, Lt Col Shaffer and all of the others who have made the claims about the program.


New Member

Well, I didn't see or hear the exact speech you were speaking about, but I have seen Curt Weldon say some pretty gutsy stuff since he wrote his book. He did the Sunday morning circuit a couple of months ago and gave some pretty good insights into the failures and successes (but mainly letting us know the failures) that we might not have heard about. He has pissed off a lot of people, but now we are more informed about how this war is being fought. I give the man a lot of credit.


New Member
Oh and Flash is right...though he has said some interesting stuff, there are things that are completely unbelievable...the Iran-Osama thing for example--sorry, though it is a Neo-Con's dream to hear that Iran is pulling a Taliban style sheltering of Public Enemy number 1 it is pretty much impossible considering the dynamics of either Al-Qaida or Iran (I would be happy to expand on that). But again, if we parse out the good from the bad, then we should probably be happier he published his book than didn't.


Retired Harrier Dude
Super Moderator
As military officers (past, present, or aspiring) it would serve you and our nation well to take a keen interest in current affairs. Not just in the Middle East, or Asia, or any other region of the world, but in our own halls of Congress. Do you know what is happening here? An officer like yourselves is being DESTROYED for taking a stand for the truth. If you're not aware, make yourself so. Read up on it. The Congressman's name is Curt Weldon (R-PA). The Lt. Col.'s name is Anthony Shaffer. Granted, it may not be as exciting as talking about the "pros and cons of adopting the A-10 for the USMC" (argue about something that matters, seriously. Are you ever going to see an A-10 under Marine Corps markings? No. You only get so much breath on this earth, why waste it...). I enjoy this site, read and reread posts on here daily, but people need to wake up. Talk about the latest Greek restaurant all you want, but don't forget what matters--your livelihood and that of fellow honorable officers. Respond if you want, surprise me. I'm out.

Oh well thank you Mr. College Staffer for being so condescending and assuming that none of us keep up with current affairs just because we don't post about it online. I will be sure to post about every political, military, or social issue that I read about on a daily basis. Otherwise, I would be lax in my responsibilities as an officer. :rolleyes:

PS- Weldon is just like every other politician on the Hill... a blowhard looking for his 15 minutes so he can say to his constituents, "hey, I'm looking out for you... see!" and thus get re-elected.
Squeeze..."Mr. College Staffer," like I think I'm something special, that was pretty good. Serious. No one is more aware of my station in life than I am---dude, being an administration puke sucks, even though the benefits are alright...Still, the only thing I'd edit from my post is the title, "Act like we care..." I could have done without that. I understand this forum to be a sounding board for things the service community is concerned about--I figured this ought to be one of those things...Thanks to the Flash and Jac01 for the added info.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
One of you guys needs to change your avatar (brandon or jac). It's making a headache-inducing thread that much worse.

Fly Navy

...Great Job!
Super Moderator
Respond if you want, surprise me. I'm out.

How about "stop being a douchebag". Don't get your panties in a wad just because someone doesn't respond to your post right away. You made the post at 1:27am. Most people aren't awake.
Ya, because listening to one egotistical blowhard jack@ss interview another is a fine way to garner good information.

Squeeze, I feel for you man. I bet right now you're just pissed as all get-out that you haven't come up with that "knife stab to the face over the net" thing yet...
Everyone, I SHOULD HAVE CHILLED...I was all fired up about what Weldon said last night....Like I said, my fault...


I believe nicotine + caffeine = protein
Ya, because listening to one egotistical blowhard jack@ss interview another is a fine way to garner good information.
Laughing hard on that one, the truth is beautiful. I think I listened to Hannity twice, and I could have sworn it was the same showing being replayed ... same BS, different day.