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Rep. Weldon's speech 10/19/05

Hannity, etc

I'd take Hannity over Rush (you want to see a blowhard--generally like his views but man, most pompous guy I ever heard...), but Savage over 'em all...Anyone been driving late at night and heard that Coast to Coast AM show? They put the weirdest stuff ever on there....


War Hoover NFO.
Super Moderator
So if Shaffer and Philpot divulged classified information, that doesn't bother anyone? How about a discussion about your responsibilities as an officer and citizen when you have classified info that could be useful to public debate, safety, law enforcement, etc. Where do you draw the line? Personally, I don't see how the whole Able Danger revelation changes a thing. No one will be safer. No terrorists will be caught. But two offices appear to have divulged classified info to the public. Even if they have issues, there is a better way.
Wink, when I first read a bit about the Able Danger deal, I thought it was the typical gov't witch-hunt. Someone, a bunch of people, screwed up, a ton of people were killed, and blame had to put somewhere...Taking Able Danger and saying, "See! We knew who they were!" Well, does that bring anyone back?...What finally got my attention was hearing Rep. Weldon say that this officer Shaffer had some good info like a year in advance and tried to get it to the FBI and other agencies, but they wouldn't take it...He mentioned that Shaffer had brought up some of the data in a meeting with the DD of the DIA and the DD wouldn't allow him to show it (I think he cited clearance concerns?). What got me is that if he, and possibly others on his staff, were actively trying to get the right preventative info out there to the necessary people, but they wouldn't take it for whatever reason, how wrong is that? And then for those people, the ones who wouldn't take the info in the first place, to turn around and try to burn Shaffer--can't agree with that...That's why, based on my own limited knowledge, I side with Weldon and Shaffer. I realize there's other issues involved here that I don't know about, but when it's broken down for me like that, like it was by Weldon the other night, well, give him an A in persuasive speaking because he got me...


New Member
I guess that wasn't amusing...well, the guy is a total ideologue. just like all the other 'commentators', he just spouts out what the conservative stance on any given issue is suppossed to be. It doesn't seem like he thinks for himself...he just looks up the soundbyte for each issue out of some right-wing almanac or encyclopedia where they have all this stuff stored. (that is how they do it, right?) Of course the left has them too. guess what? I think they also are idiots. it's one thing to be more to one side than the other...its totally nuts to ALAWAYs agree w/ the party or ideological standard. weird, you know?

and i hate his stupid show w/ that dead guy.

Steve Wilkins

Teaching pigs to dance, one pig at a time.
Super Moderator
I guess that wasn't amusing...well, the guy is a total ideologue. just like all the other 'commentators', he just spouts out what the conservative stance on any given issue is suppossed to be. It doesn't seem like he thinks for himself...he just looks up the soundbyte for each issue out of some right-wing almanac or encyclopedia where they have all this stuff stored. (that is how they do it, right?) Of course the left has them too. guess what? I think they also are idiots. it's one thing to be more to one side than the other...its totally nuts to ALAWAYs agree w/ the party or ideological standard. weird, you know?

and i hate his stupid show w/ that dead guy.
And this.....this stuff you just posted......shows that Hannity is an idiot?


New Member
He isn't someone I like too much for the reasons above; I don't like him...take it or leave it...i assume you will leave it.

Am i suppossed to eventually un-idiotize him? Is this circular discussion eventually going to prove I am actually the idiot here? I am sorry for being soooo simple-minded.

Ah, and a footnote if you allow it, and then you may have the last post if you want. If what you are driving at is that he is not stupid, well, you are right. He is very successful at what he does. I have no respect for what he does. I will end it from my side on that. Good talk. keep on truckin.

Steve Wilkins

Teaching pigs to dance, one pig at a time.
Super Moderator
He isn't someone I like too much for the reasons above; I don't like him...take it or leave it...i assume you will leave it.

Am i suppossed to eventually un-idiotize him? Is this circular discussion eventually going to prove I am actually the idiot here? I am sorry for being soooo simple-minded.

Ah, and a footnote if you allow it, and then you may have the last post if you want. If what you are driving at is that he is not stupid, well, you are right. He is very successful at what he does. I have no respect for what he does. I will end it from my side on that. Good talk. keep on truckin.
No worries. You made made my point and I didn't have to say a word.

Fly Navy

...Great Job!
Super Moderator
It is an opinion, not fact. He stated it as fact, so you are word-fvking him. No? Is this about accurate and precise communication, or opinions stated?

You still have to back up and validate an opinion, Eddie. You can't just say "So and so sucks" and just leave it. Otherwise you look stupid.

Steve Wilkins

Teaching pigs to dance, one pig at a time.
Super Moderator
It is an opinion, not fact. He stated it as fact, so you are word-fvking him. No? Is this about accurate and precise communication, or opinions stated?
Obviously his remark about Sean Hannity isn't a fact. Anyone who has listened to him with any amount of regularity knows he isn't an idiot. It is very simple to sit here and say he IS and idiot and then backtrack and say he's not based on his success in talk radio. But this isn't about any of that. This is about making a blanket statement with no evidence to back it up. It is one thing to have an opinion. To me, however, it is much worse to have an uninformed opinion.

Here, I invite you to read yesterday's column by Larry Elder. This may shed a little more light on what I'm hinting at.



War Hoover NFO.
Super Moderator
this officer Shaffer had some good info like a year in advance and tried to get it to the FBI and other agencies, but they wouldn't take it...He mentioned that Shaffer had brought up some of the data in a meeting with the DD of the DIA and the DD wouldn't allow him to show it (I think he cited clearance concerns?). What got me is that if he, and possibly others on his staff, were actively trying to get the right preventative info out there to the necessary people, but they wouldn't take it for whatever reason, how wrong is that? And then for those people, the ones who wouldn't take the info in the first place, to turn around and try to burn Shaffer--can't agree with that...

So, if you are a typical military officer and come by info that is not even your direct work product but because you have ESP or something you are sure will result in terrorism, even though no one else thinks it will, and then years later it turns out your wild a$$ guess was more right then wrong, you can reveal all that classified info? And then if someone jumps in your $hit because you broke from the reservation to reveal said classified info (violated the law) you look surprised and claim persecution. I just want to make sure I am getting this right so that all the newbies on this sight know just exactly when it will be appropriate for them to reveal their countries closest held secrets. Apparently the laws concerning this stuff is far more complicated then I thought. When I joined the Navy I was told to never reveal classified information to anyone without a need to know and the proper security clearance. I was also taught that public dissemination does not equate to declassification. So if you read something in Aviation Week you know is classified, you still can't talk about it. Now have I got this wrong, or do new rules apply if you are a super smart military officer and every one else disagrees with your analysis, but you turn out to be right years later?