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Rethink getting a hotel in a foreign Port


What's so inaccurate about it? I left Japan in May and this IS the kind of stuff they're doing there now.
It may not be "inaccurate" -- unfortunately -- but it is the most fucked up thing I've seen in the military and I've seen a lot.

From the article:
" ... Several incidents occurred the week after Kitty Hawk returned from deployment Nov. 27. In response, the command tightened the policy by requiring departmental chiefs or officers to reach by phone or physically see each of their sailors E-6 and below every evening — even on weekends and regardless of marital status — to make sure they were following approved liberty plans...."

This is complete bullshit.

There is NO excuse for PC taken to this degree. Is it any wonder we can't make the wheels go round any more??? Is it any wonder we can't win a war any more???

If Navy "leadership" would spend less time worrying about
PC cradle-to-grave tender moments (which includes kissing up to those senior in the food chain; whether in or out of uniform) and more time instilling a fighting spirit and camaraderie amongst the "men", we'd probably have fewer problems overall ..... these people ARE adults, for better or for worse.

And perhaps along the way, we'd even learn how to win one or two of those "wars" we keep stumbling into .... :)


It may not be "inaccurate" -- unfortunately -- but it is the most fucked up thing I've seen in the military and I've seen a lot.

From the article: " ... Several incidents occurred the week after Kitty Hawk returned from deployment Nov. 27. In response, the command tightened the policy by requiring departmental chiefs or officers to reach by phone or physically see each of their sailors E-6 and below every evening — even on weekends and regardless of marital status — to make sure they were following approved liberty plans...."

This is complete bullshit.

There is NO excuse for PC taken to this degree. Is it any wonder we can't make the wheels go round any more??? Is it any wonder we can't win a war any more???

If Navy "leadership" would spend less time worrying about PC cradle-to-grave tender moments (which includes kissing up to those senior in the food chain; whether in or out of uniform) and more time instilling a fighting spirit and camaraderie amongst the "men", we'd probably have fewer problems overall ..... these people ARE adults, for better or for worse.

And perhaps along the way, we'd even learn how to win one or two of those "wars" we keep stumbling into .... :)
Concur completely. And if you think that's BS, earlier this year, after a string of drinking and driving incidents, CVW-5 squadrons began revoking driving priveleges for the entire squadrons. My squadron couldn't drive for about a week, Skipper all the way down. This even included the people living off base. What's even worse, the incident my squadron had, and the majority of the ones on base, weren't DUI's or DWI's, but DWDI's, Japan's fairly new .03 BAC law. These were guys that got busted with the wand at the gate coming to work after a night of drinking. I love Japan, but it's getting so absurd, I was glad I got out when I did. It's amazing what they're imposing and there's seemingly nothing anyone can do about it.


I prefer to think of it as a game. It is rather challenging to come up with an entire plan of action for a week in a place I've never been... weeks in advance.

I have a few other comments about liberty plans that I will keep to myself at this time.


More humble than you would understand
Super Moderator
Concur completely. And if you think that's BS, earlier this year, after a string of drinking and driving incidents, CVW-5 squadrons began revoking driving priveleges for the entire squadrons. My squadron couldn't drive for about a week, Skipper all the way down. This even included the people living off base.

How the hell did they get to work?

What you're fighting here are commanders worried about the next headline. "2 sailors died three months before in a similar incident-and their leadership did nothing." Sometimes sh!t happens. Sometimes the law of large numbers catches up with you. Sometime we have to realize that the world doesn't have padded corners and that sometimes bad things happen in spite of good leadership.

People join the military to see exotic places, meet interesting people, and kill them. They didn't join to be treated like a 6th grade field trip. Want to know where some of the recruiting problems come from?

As someone wise once said,"One guys shits himself and now we all have to wear diapers."