Go Ultrathin and go magnetic. No more holes in your shirts. When you get a new ribbon mail the rack in, and they will update it. You should keep your regular NEX set on hand as well, so you have an extra if you send in the Ultrathins.
1. Manner of Wearing. Ribbons are worn on the service coat or jumper of Dress Blue and Dress White, and on the shirt of Service Khaki, Summer White, Winter Blue, and Tropical White. Ribbons are not authorized on formal dress, dinner dress, or working uniforms. Wear up to three ribbons in a single row. When more than three ribbons are authorized, wear them in horizontal rows of three each. If ribbons are not in multiples of three, the top row contains the lesser number, and the center of this row sits over the center of the one below it. Wear ribbons without spaces between ribbons or rows of ribbons. Wear ribbons with the lower edge of the bottom row centered 1/4 inch above the left breast pocket and parallel to the deck. To prevent coat lapels from covering ribbons, ribbons may be aligned so the border to wearer's left is aligned with left side of pocket. Rows of ribbons where more than 50% of the ribbon is covered by the coat lapel may contain two ribbons each and be aligned with left border. On Full Dress uniforms, <see article 5313>.
2. Placement on Ribbon Bar. Ribbons shall be arranged on a bar(s) and attached to uniforms. Ribbons shall not be impregnated with preservatives which change their appearance, or have any transparent covering.
3. Arrangement. Arrange ribbons in order of precedence in rows from top down, inboard to outboard. Wear either the three senior ribbons, or all ribbons if you have earned three or more.