To topher1235,
I did not have a run in with any NFO's. Obviously I am new to the community and I am appoaching it with an open mind. However it is a bit of a transition to go from a plane where I was in charge of everything having to do with flight, such as clearance, checklists, nav, comms, etc. to a plane where half of everything I used to do is now done by the guy sitting next to me. And only because of the training program, I come to the RAG with about twice as much experience than the NFO's do. Therefor, in the rag, and particulalry with other NFO students, it often takes more time to convey what you want done, than to do it yourself. I know that I will eventually work with ECMO's who are more experinced that I am and they will teach me, however, right now it is an interesting transition. We are trained from day one to be single pilot, and then suddenly put together with a crew. Just a different mind set.