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Romney opts out of Presidental Race

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Well-Known Member
I wonder if he is trying to play nice to get Mac to pick him as VP. .

I think the Republican ticket will be Mac/Huckabee or Mac/Thompson

Senator McCain and Gov Romney just hate each other a bit too much to get along.


Registered User
yeah....and the CPAC audience had to be reminded not to boo McQueeg off the stage.


Nihongo dame desu
I wonder if he is trying to play nice to get Mac to pick him as VP. .

I think he'd pick up Billary before Romney. No love lost between the 2, and they've made no secret about it, so even if he decided Mitt was a good 'mate, he'd lose a lot of face by making him VP. I think dropping out has more to do with realism, playing nice with the party, and maybe money.

Since I think McCain's best chances are to pick up as many moderates as possible (especially if running against HRC), I think Huck is a poor choice. I suppose it might get some evangelicals to the polls, but most of them dislike McCain enough that I don't see that being an effective strategy.


Nihongo dame desu
RetreadRand said:
I thought about that too, but then realized that Romney is claiming to be a conservative...and too conservative to get the needed middle and fence voters...(granted he is another waffler who was the MASS...Gov...so who knows)
McCain will get the conservative vote anyway...its not like they are going to vote for Obama or Hillary just to NOT vote for McCain.

They won't vote Dem, but the real problem is that they might not vote at all.


Registered User
RetreadRand said:
I thought about that too, but then realized that Romney is claiming to be a conservative...and too conservative to get the needed middle and fence voters...(granted he is another waffler who was the MASS...Gov...so who knows)
McCain will get the conservative vote anyway...its not like they are going to vote for Obama or Hillary just to NOT vote for McCain.

People were uneasy about him because he wears the funny Mormon underwear...and his teeth were 2 shades too white.


Recovering NFO. Herder of Programmers.
Super Moderator
A McCain/Lieberman ticket might be interesting, but I'd put my money on a snowball in Hades first . . .
People were uneasy about him because he wears the funny Mormon underwear...and his teeth were 2 shades too white.
I think the media invented or at least contributed greatly to the whole religion controversy. I just always got the vibe that Romney was a Republican John Kerry. "I'll ban assault weapons. Wait, no I won't! Gay marriage is OK. Wait, no it's not! I'm a true blue conservative. No, really, I am!"


Nihongo dame desu
People were uneasy about him because he wears the funny Mormon underwear...and his teeth were 2 shades too white.

IMO, one's president should not resemble a Muppet.


Well-Known Member
I never cared he was Mormon (more beer for me), but the 2 big things:

1-Governor of Mass. If you win there, you are not really conservative. Conservative by local standards, yes. His Universal Health Care that made it illegal to NOT HAVE health insurance in MA, put my dad's company out of business. A business that he spent 30+ years building.

2-He seem to say what people want to here, and he comes off as a flip/flopper and insincere. Like when he told people that he would "take care of Michigan". Mac told them the auto jobs are not coming back. I agree with Mac on that. Auto industry in MI is going the way of the dodo. Find new, more stable industries.


Registered User
If McCain's going to get ANY traction at all in a nat'l election....he'll need a much younger, socially conservative running mate: i.e. Duncan Hunter, Jim Gilmore, George "Macaca" Allen, Rick Santorum..... But he's really alienated himself from the party base, ( kool aid drinking ditto heads, like me)


Nihongo dame desu
I think Romney strongly resembles Kerry in so many ways. People want a president who is inspiring, seems sincere, and who is good at articulating his vision. Romney failed there, as did Kerry, and I think both are equally unelectable. It's best for the party that he's gone because now, while the Dems have to keep up their ugly public battle, the Republicans get a jump start on the united, "Yay McCain" front.


and he comes off as a flip/flopper and insincere

You mean like when he said Tuesday night that he would fight on till the convention??? Only to drop out 30 hours later????? I guess he talked to his accountant and figured out how much personal money he would have to kick in to make it that far.

Romney is an @$$ clown. No way McCain picks him as the VP. Huckabee on the other hand, makes some sense. Appeal in the south where McCain isn't the strongest, a concession to the right-er wings of the party...etc...
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