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Romney opts out of Presidental Race

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He bowls overhand.
I never cared he was Mormon (more beer for me), but the 2 big things:

1-Governor of Mass. If you win there, you are not really conservative. Conservative by local standards, yes. His Universal Health Care that made it illegal to NOT HAVE health insurance in MA, put my dad's company out of business. A business that he spent 30+ years building.

2-He seem to say what people want to here, and he comes off as a flip/flopper and insincere. Like when he told people that he would "take care of Michigan". Mac told them the auto jobs are not coming back. I agree with Mac on that. Auto industry in MI is going the way of the dodo. Find new, more stable industries.
I really could care less whether or not one is a "true conservative" (whatever that means). What got me not liking Romney is your second point: Romney just seems like the stereotypical politician who will say anything to get elected, even if he doesn't believe it himself.

Whether you like McCain's stance on the issues or not, he's as much of a straight-shooter as you're going to get (aside from Ron Paul, but since we're talking about electability here...).

On the Democratic side, Hillary is the analogue of Romney, and Obama stands for "change" (whatever that means).


Registered User
The ACU gives JohhnyMac a 82% lifetime rating....I'm curious to see what that was prior to 2000, I would venture to say, much higher). Ever since he's done everything he could do to stick it to his own party for nominating GWB. At one point Mac was the heir apparent to Goldwater. Let me go on the record on saying that his "rogueness", "maverick-ness??", or irrascibility are going to ostracize many Republican voters who will just assume stay home. If he is nominated, as I suspect now, the triangulating, (trying to get the "independents" that the RNC is doing) is going to blow up in their face, and we're going to have Pelosi/Reid and a Dem in the Oval orfice.


Nihongo dame desu
I really could care less whether or not one is a "true conservative" (whatever that means).

It's such a bullshit argument. None of them are "true conservatives", if, by that, one is referring to Country Club, Rockefeller Republicans. They are all neo-cons in one way or another. They just like to swing their "more conservative than thou" dicks around to try and get the votes of the uninformed who know next to nothing about politics, other than that they consider themselves conservative so whoever screams the loudest that they are the *most* conservative must be the guy to vote for.

All they have managed to do is put seeds of doubt in the mind of the uber-right, which, in the end, only hurts the party because now those folks are less motivated to go vote. They've put McCain, and the Republican party, in the position of having to rely on Moderates and Independents to get in to office. Against HRC, that might not be so bad, but against Obama, it will be brutal.


Nihongo dame desu
RetreadRand said:

Do you REALLY think that the conservative base would not vote for McCain and risk Hillary or Obama in the White House?
If you do...you are smoking crack.

These arguments ALWAYS play out until after the nomination...then guess what happens? each party comes out in full force loyal to their candidate.
The conservatives who bash McCain will become supporters...the old democrats who like Hillary will be in full force for Obama..

it Happens EVERY election!

and you know why? Because, contrary to what I want to believe, elections are NOT about ideologies...they are about keeping your party in POWER...PERIOD.

Sniffing glue is my high of choice, but I won't split hairs.

Of course I believe that. Will churches be filling up vans in rural areas to take people to vote for McCain? Nope. Will hard core bible-thumpers wait in line in the rain to fill out a ballot for him, or will they keep driving when they see bad weather and annoying crowds at their polling place? Do you really think that Conservatives always vote Republican and that everyone one of them votes in every elections? Or that every liberal always votes and always votes Dem? If so, then you glue must be a lot stronger than mine.

That would mean that every election always comes down to only 1 factor, the independents.

It isn't just about capturing the undecided. No one proved that more than GWB himself. Instead of moving to the center to get as many of those votes as possible, he and Rove moved him as far right as possible so that the evangelicals would come out in force for him. And it worked brilliantly. Those people never would have voted for Kerry. Never in a million years. But it was the way that Bush and Rove worked them that made him successful because they might not have voted at all. Bush got in to office not by getting the middle to swing his way. He so inspired the far right that he was able to reduce the voter attrition in that group enough that he won. Anyone who might have just gone home after a long day of work instead made sure they stopped to vote. Those who didn't have rides benefited from the passionate Evangelicals who picked them up and drove them. It was the far right that elected Bush, and it was his attention to them that got him into office, because he made them get off their indifferent asses and vote.

McCain doesn't have that draw with the far right. He doesn't hate abortionists quit enough. He doesn't mention God enough. So yes, I believe that it is very likely that many of the people who voted for Bush will stay home for McCain. On the other hand, he has far more chance than Bush did at picking up the independents, so that may be where he makes his money.


Registered User
RetreadRand said:

Do you REALLY think that the conservative base would not vote for McCain and risk Hillary or Obama in the White House?
If you do...you are smoking crack.

These arguments ALWAYS play out until after the nomination...then guess what happens? each party comes out in full force loyal to their candidate.
The conservatives who bash McCain will become supporters...the old democrats who like Hillary will be in full force for Obama..

it Happens EVERY election!

and you know why? Because, contrary to what I want to believe, elections are NOT about ideologies...they are about keeping your party in POWER...PERIOD.

I absolutely believe it. Just listen to Rush, Hannity, Ingraham, Boortz, Savage, Levin, et. al....as much as the "establishment wing" of the GOP want to marginalize these folks....their devotees will not be galvanized around McCain...and it was because of these aforementioned that beat John Kerrey in '04. Make no mistake about that.


Nihongo dame desu
I absolutely believe it. Just listen to Rush, Hannity, Ingraham, Boortz, Savage, Levin, et. al....as much as the "establishment wing" of the GOP want to marginalize these folks....their devotees will not be galvanized around McCain...and it was because of these aforementioned that beat John Kerrey in '04. Make no mistake about that.

My glue fumes must have floated your way. Apologies. :icon_wink

I'm interested to see that the Rush, Hannity, et al.talk will be now. If they suddenly jump on the MCain bandwagon after all of the bad-mouthing they've been doing, the look like asshats. But the alternative is to keep picking at him, which only helps their real targets--the Dems. So it will be interesting to see them walk this tightrope.


Cleveland Brown Fan
If McCain's going to get ANY traction at all in a nat'l election....he'll need a much younger, socially conservative running mate: i.e. Duncan Hunter, Jim Gilmore, George "Macaca" Allen, Rick Santorum..... But he's really alienated himself from the party base, ( kool aid drinking ditto heads, like me)

Rick Santorum would be awesome!!! I really respect McCain but he has taken some seriously questionable positions since 2000 (except for Iraq, of course, but he wasn't exactly crying about Rummy and his strategy in the beginning as far as I can recall...)

As far as Retreads comments, the kool aid is getting to me too and I can see myself staying home or making a third party statement because I am concerned that the party will start to politically model themselves on him.

Maybe Huckabee and Romney will make nice...


I've read your posts; ya got a little kettle on ya there, Pot.

And you scare much too easily.
I do scare easily .... even though my middle name is "danger".

BUT ... my potty-mouthed pot has a penis. BIG DIFFERENCE .... :)

welcome aboard ... and you're still scarin' me.


Registered User
My glue fumes must have floated your way. Apologies. :icon_wink

I'm interested to see that the Rush, Hannity, et al.talk will be now. If they suddenly jump on the MCain bandwagon after all of the bad-mouthing they've been doing, the look like asshats. But the alternative is to keep picking at him, which only helps their real targets--the Dems. So it will be interesting to see them walk this tightrope.

I picked the wrong day to stop sniffin...


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Nihongo dame desu
BUT ... my potty-mouthed pot has a penis. BIG DIFFERENCE .... :)

Or maybe you are just flattering yourself. At any rate, I'll concede that it is a difference, and I guess we can leave the size of that difference up to self-reporting.

And thanks for the welcome.


Well-Known Member
You know the other problem with this is what I heard on another forum.

Some idiot called this, "Another victory for Ron Paul."

And that made me throw up in my mouth a little.
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