I think I could WALK a 15:00 mile...
If you were a 17 year old female, you could just that...and PASS. :icon_rage
I think I could WALK a 15:00 mile...
www.bodybuilding.com is a pretty good site with great information on that type of stuff. If you want to build muscle, typically consume about 500 cal/day more than you burn. I'm not sure that just pushups and bicep curls would be considered adequate however. If you're serious about building muscle, try to scrounge up $30/month for a gym membership. I think it would be awfully hard to build serious mass with bodyweight exercises, plus you'll be out of proportion doing only chest and biceps.
/begin slight threadjack
There's a huge belief that bodybuilding is somehow the right answer when training for military performance, but it's really not. That's an easy trap to fall into; I did for a long time, and so do most anyone who goes to college and hits the gym. There is a gigantic difference between building muscle (ala bodybuilding) and becoming functionally strong. I tend to disagree with the idea that you can't build muscle via bodyweight exercises. For instance, this guy seems to be in pretty frickin' amazing shape, and he uses a lot of bodyweight exercises. The guys in 300 did lots and lots of bodyweight exercises via gymnastics. Curls work your biceps individually, but do they ever work individually in the real world (except for the ever popular 12 oz curl)? Not usually. A pullup is a significantly better workout--and much harder.
Check out CrossFit sometime. They're the ones that trained the guy who trained the guys in 300. They are functionally strong first, and that's what matters.
/end threadjack
I wanted the Most Improved award when I was in Kindergarten, but I didn't know what it meant. I told my mom and she was like..."That's not the best kind of award to have."
Hey now, I got that in band (for alto sax) 7th grade year... Don't rain on my parade...
Actually they were supposedly trained by these guys: http://www.gymjones.com/knowledge.php?id=35
And they were working towards completing this routine:
25x Pull-up +
50x Deadlift @ 135# +
50x Push-up +
50x Box Jump @ 24” box +
50x Floor Wiper @ 135# (one-count) +
50x KB Clean and Press @ 36# (KB must touch floor between reps) +
25x Pull-up
300 reps total
Mark Twight, the guy behind Gym Jones, learned what he uses in Gym Jones from Crossfit and passes it off as his own stuff. Crossfit is open source, but he takes it a level above that and claims it was his own idea. Not trying to get in a fighting match over the internet, just trying to set the record straight since I love Crossfit and the idea behind Crossfit. Twight cheapens it, IMHO.
The "300" workout was more of a carrot than an actual workout they were required to complete by the end of their training, if you believe Twight's blog on Gym Jones. He claims it's not as hard a workout as some of the other things they did on a more regular basis.
I only hope to be sick enough to do one of those workouts full tilt, unscaled.
This is a side question but I thought id continue it here.
When training for the PRT is it better to train with situps or crunches?
This is for the situp portion obviously.
...My question is will bicep curls help at all with chin-ups? Or am I wasting my time even doing those?