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Scholarship Notification


Any one apply for the 2007 year, and find out yet? I applied like month and a half ago still no word:( . I can't waitttt!!!!!!!!!!!!! ahhhhhh!


New Member
Yeah what is going on with this?? My application was recieved by their offices on Aug. 28 and I still get no decision...

Ok, ok I'll be patient.


Registered User
yea my package is supposed to go before the review board this week, but i know i might not hear from them for months


loving my warm and comfy 214 blanket
This is the military, waiting is what we do best. Just be patient.


Is it baseball season yet?
You're gonna be waiting for awhile.

Mine was in like August and I heard back I think in March or April.

Best wishes.


Is it baseball season yet?
In regards to my last post:

I should elaborate; by the time they had gotten to looking at my scholarship, my top choice was Villanova which had already filled their scholarship billets. I finally called up, and a Sr. Chief told me that the hold up on my notification was that they were waiting for people to decline their offer to Villanova's program so they could offer me a scholarship there. At the same time though, he said that was very unlikely and told me if I changed my second choice to my first I'd probably get it.

As the story goes, I change Penn State to my top choice, and within two weeks I'd say, I'm awarded the scholarship there.

Lesson learned: don't fear calling up and asking what the situation is with your scholarship. Don't be incessant about it, and be polite, but don't fear asking.

Again, best wishes.


New Member
Who did you call, DanMav? Did you call your recruiter (the Sr Cheif, I'm assuming) or did you call the Navy directly through their 1-800-NAV-ROTC number or whatever...


Professional Javelin Catcher
Lesson learned: don't fear calling up and asking what the situation is with your scholarship. Don't be incessant about it, and be polite, but don't fear asking.

Another young Jedi has learned a valuable lesson. You'll find that just about anyone in the Navy is willing to help you provided a little courtesy is extended in exchange for their time. Good on ya, congratulations on the scholarship, and good luck!


Is it baseball season yet?
Who did you call, DanMav? Did you call your recruiter (the Sr Cheif, I'm assuming) or did you call the Navy directly through their 1-800-NAV-ROTC number or whatever...

Ah... I think it was a Sr. Chief that worked with a LT on scholarships for the NY-CT region. I know he was up in Buffalo, NY, so it was like a wide district kind of thing, as my county borders CT (ie: not close to Buffalo). To be honest, I don't remember the specifics.

And Goober, if you're congratulating me, thanks, but just to clear things up, I'm at the Academy right now after having done a Foundation year, so anyone taking my words, take them with a grain of salt, as I've been out of the NROTC loop for nearly 1.5 years.


Professional Javelin Catcher
"That's great, but who are the 'Chefs?'"
"Great googlymoogly..."

That's what I get for having such a short attenti...hey, who's up for a bucket of chicken? ;)


New Member
Hey! I just got word from the NROTC website that I've been accepted!!

"[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The CNET Selection/Placement Office has received your application. [/FONT]

Missing Items
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]All required items have been processed.
Selection Status
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Congratulations! You have been selected for a 4-yr Navy Option scholarship and assigned to the NROTC Unit at Duke University. [/FONT]

Sweeet. Now I just have to get into Duke...


Well-Known Member
Hey! I just got word from the NROTC website that I've been accepted!!

"[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The CNET Selection/Placement Office has received your application. [/FONT]

Missing Items
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]All required items have been processed.
Selection Status
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Congratulations! You have been selected for a 4-yr Navy Option scholarship and assigned to the NROTC Unit at Duke University. [/FONT]

Sweeet. Now I just have to get into Duke...

Congrats!! Go Duke Lacrosse! ;)


New Member
I just checked the site today and found out I had been awarded the scholarship for the University of Florida. Go Gators!


Registered User
Aw congrats to both of you!! Now I REALLY want to hear back from them soon. I just checked it and it says no decision has been made. How long ago did they recieve/ you submit your app?