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Scooters Forever (A-4 Skyhawk Tribute Thread)


Well-Known Member
Blutonski816 said:
Yes, a great A/C indeed, from the old-timers like A-4s, to the not so old guys who went to the boat in a TA-4.... I envy you all...

although I've managed to get some sweet pics of one of the few Skyhawks still flying ACM today...

Those ATSI birds are flying out of the same field I started my training at - Williams Gateway aka "Willie". At first they were parked adjacent to our ramp, so everyday that I'd walk out to the plane the first thing I'd see was a line of A-4's. Talk about motivation......


The Scooter was such a great aircraft. I considered myself lucky to get to fly it as a STUD in the TRACOM. We were flying a "real" Fleet aircraft --- one that was current and engaged in combat, even as we trained. It was great, and I considered myself lucky also, as many of my height-challenged STUD friends got sent to Beeville and the F-9 Cougar instead of Kingsville and TA-4s. But then again, they all loved her as well --- the F-9 . Whatever you fly is what you are gonna' develop a fondness for in your heart. Believe it.

There should be a lesson in there when some other threads start whining about "who is best", "which is best", and so forth. So many guys concerned about the size of their penis. It gets really, really .... old.

Depending on the needs of the Navy, we all get our aircraft (platforms -- what a stupid term) and communities based on how well we do --- academics and flying --- all the way through the program. Guys who think they know what counts and what doesn't count are fools. Repeat: FOOLS. It ALL counts. If you don't do good in academics (API?) -- it affects you. Ditto for Primary -- it affects your selections and choices. Ditto for Basic Jet (back then) and ditto for Advanced (back then). I can't keep up on all the changing terminology for what is in reality the .... same things .... who can??? Who wants to ... ???

But the A-4??? Climbing into her was an experience -- especially the single seat. Both models were tight in the cockpit. It always amazed me how big guys got the A-4 and little guys got the F-4. Kind of a perverse sense of humor on the part of the Navy?? But once you got both feet into the cockpit and snuggled down into the seat --- you were home. Your shoulders almost "touched" both sides of the canopy rails and everything on the panel and left/right consoles was easy to reach.

Canopy down -- still great visibility all around. But who wants the canopy down?? We invariable started, taxied with the canopy on the "mousetrap" as we called it ... a half-open position to provide for ground "cooling" (as in "looking cool"??) and yet protect the intakes from a back-seater's FOD.

Two views:

Adversary A-4 (left) ... TRACOM TA-4 with canopy on "mousetrap" (right) ..


getting salty...
Hey A4s, go fly for the Brazilian Navy. They are still having fun with them



mules83 said:
I guess the Brazil Navy is still having a fun time with them

Yeah ... about 2 years ago --- a contractor was advertising, so I made some inquiries for "sport" --- just to see if I still "had it" :icon_wink --- got a call, then another, then an "offer" to go down for @ a year and instruct -- contingent on an "interview" that was a done deal. As they needed some "A-4" LSO's to teach their LSO's for the Mineas Gerais air group (HMAS Vengeance.... ex-Colussus class) -- I was golden.

The "timing" was off for me. And, of course, it's all about me .... and timing ..... but today, looking at the airlines .... maybe I should have done it ... at least it would have been a LOT of fun. Especially "Festival" in Rio.... :icon_rast


Is it baseball season yet?
NavyVance said:
"Alright boys, now what I want you to el do, is to el flyo the el ballo. Comprende? El good."

--A4's teachin the dudes in South America.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to NavyVance again.

El niceo.


getting salty...
Don't they have bars on those ships? That would be the life A4's! You could wave in some scooters and then have some drinks with limes afterwards. That would be nice.


mules83 said:
Don't they have bars on those ships? That would be the life A4's! You could wave in some scooters and then have some drinks with limes afterwards. That would be nice.
ACTUALLY .... when I cross-decked to the HMAS Melbourne for a few weeks of flying and waving and "visiting" .... we had a VERY nice wood paneled bar --- with bartender --- in the wardroom --- adult beverages --- it never interfered with flight ops.

Of course : Gentlemen and all. Civilized .... :)

The best part was being gently shaken awake in the morning by my "batman" (a.k.a. orderly or steward) instead of having the phone jangling off the hook or my roomie farting me awake, US carrier-style . The silver pot of tea or coffee with muffins and marmalade didn't hurt, either. :)

Civilized .... :icon_rast


Working Plan B
NavyVance said:
The bar never closes on the British Isles.. or was it the sun never sets? I get those confused sometimes.
Such a beautiful, beautiful culture... :)


Keep your knots up.
Super Moderator
A4sForever said:
... It was great, and I considered myself lucky also, as many of my height-challenged STUD friends got sent to Beeville and the F-9 Cougar instead of Kingsville and TA-4s. But then again, they all loved her as well --- the F-9 . ...

I guess I was, "height-challenged.":D



Well-Known Member
Argentine A-4 Video

I figured as much as we keep bringing them up we ought to just have a thread. Then I found this video and I figured Ill start it out. A-4's ought to get a kick out of this since he probably trained half the pilots in it.

Also the guy that hosts the Video (Queen) has a whole bunch of other videos about the Fauklands War. Some really good stuff in there along with this video.



Working Plan B
There were three songs in that vid, all of them I know I've heard before, and it's killing me trying to remember what each was from.

Anyone got any idea?