I'm beginning to wonder if the "competitive range" for the new ASTB tests is different from the old tests.
I say this because I have seen many people scoring in the low- to mid-40s range on these new forms, and I just got my scores back and got a 52, which, according to this site and airwarriors.com, is a "low-range" competitive score. However, when I spoke to the program coordinator in Louisville today about retesting, hoping to get a more competitive score, the Master Chief in that office was very adamant in his recommendation that I keep my score of 52, and noted that it was, in his own words, "extremely high."
From what I had gleaned from these two sites, a truly competitive score would be in the high 50's or anywhere in the 60's, with a few people scoring even higher than that.
Am I wrong? Who here has received their OAR scores from the new form(s) of the test? Let's figure this out!