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Scratch another PROWLER off the inventory

Single Seat

Average member
35 minutes hanging out in the water, I can hear the conversation in the water now:

"Ok, so lets get our story straight..."


contemplating applying again...
that's a quick pickup... glad everyone is okay.

my dad and his pilot spent quite a bit longer in the baltic off poland back in the early 80's...

JT Eagle

Registered User
markdido; said:
Newsies don't know, don't care...

When I was on Guam, we had a couple of JMSDF P-2's fly in. Not sure what model, but they were the ones they re-engined with turboprops.

Anyway the news reader on TV referred to them as "highly modified P-3's"

Now... are you sure you don't mean S-2s?
The Japanese had both P-2s and S-2, neither of which were converted to turboprops, but at least S-2s actually have been. Sure they weren't Taiwanese...?

Careful before you blame "newsies" for mixing up their aircraft.


JT Eagle

Registered User
Well whadda you know? I can't say I'd ever heard of those (or had just forgotten). Mucho apologies.

What timeframe for the Guam sighting are we talking about anyway? When did Japan retire the 2J?



Old RIOs never die: They just can't fast-erect
P-2 was a great aircraft & did't feel like an airliner as did the P-3. You crawled around in a P-2, couldn't walk anywhere. Bagged several hundred hrs as Tacco in VP-94 in Reserves. Japanese retired last P-2J in '81 according to the Neptune website.


Registered User
markdido; said:
Newsies don't know, don't care...

When I was on Guam, we had a couple of JMSDF P-2's fly in. Not sure what model, but they were the ones they re-engined with turboprops.

Anyway the news reader on TV referred to them as "highly modified P-3's"

Now... are you sure you don't mean S-2s?
The Japanese had both P-2s and S-2, neither of which were converted to turboprops, but at least S-2s actually have been. Sure they weren't Taiwanese...?

Careful before you blame "newsies" for mixing up their aircraft.


Nope, they we're P-2's and come to think of it, and I'm pretty sure they were turboprops. The difference being the "newsies" said they were "highly modified P-3's" the day it happened. My memory isn't as sharp as it should be because I've killed a lot of brain cells since this happened 30 years ago in 1978! :)


contemplating applying again...
Baltic is F'in cold, even in summer. Something wrong about wearing drysuits when its 80 out.

Yeah, it was the end of July... he said he's never felt anything colder.

Thank God for the Danish Air Force helo that picked them up. :beer: