I had to do a bit of thinking before I signed on the line for BDCP. 8 years seems like an eternity when you are 21. 9 years later, I'm here, flown helos, jets, and turboprops and have had a raging good time. I just signed up for 5 more years. (and the oh so nice bonus
In that time I have:
Been to memorials/funerals for friends killed in the line of duty
Moved 7 times
Missed numerous weddings, funerals and births.
Took a helicopter on a "tour" of the south, with just another student.
Shot missles and blown crap up
Deployed to the Gulf
Been on the ground in Iraq
Been many cool places in Europe/Med
Went on a 8 week Govt Funded Drinking/Pillaging expedition known as BALTOPS
Flew SAR in New Orleans after Katrina
Landed a jet on an aircraft carrier
Took a cat shot off said boat
Landed a helo on a FFG in seas so rough I was getting sick just watching the boat.
Joined up into a 4-plane formation just as the sun is coming up over South Tejas, SOLO
And I would do it all again in a heartbeat (except the married part, I would like a do-over on that).
My opinion-
1- Some chick got under your skin about this, either Mom guilting you, some hot bitch saying she'd never sleep with a Military man, or maybe a GF/Fiancee pressuring you to quit "for them"..
Fuck them, man the fuck up and hold up your CONTRACT AND OATH. And enjoy the fuck out of what you will be doing. Even OCS was fun looking back on it.. Sadistic, twisted fun, but I stll had fun there.
2-Or you are just a greedy, no good asshat who likes the IDEA of being a Naval Aviator, and the BDCP money, but can't put his ass on the line because of a lack of testicular fortitude.
Man up, or blow your boyfriend in front of your recruiter. You will be poison in whatever division you go to as an Enlisted Sailor, because you will be THAT guy who will cry "I coulda been a pilot but I got fucked".. I had one on my last boat. He DOR'd first day of OCS.. But at least he MADE it there.
In the words of Fitzy, Go Fuck Yourself!