I won't "knock you" for buying a Taurus ... to each to their own ... but:Idon't think anyone will knock you for getting something made by Taurus...
Taurus in it's early days in the U.S. market was crap and not worth the money. It's like buying a cheap pair of shoes @ KMART or buying one "quality" pair @ Nordstroms. It WILL cost you less w/the KMART pair -- and they'll be relatively functional -- but which is gonna' last longer and provide more satisfaction??
Their early attempts to copy S&W revolvers and the Beretta 92 were abysmal failures. They HAVE improved over the years, but they are still not up to standard in terms of fit & finish -- spotty at best. Why do you think they cost less ... 'cause they're better??? Their "lifetime" warranty is not worth the paper it is printed on -- unless they mean it takes a "lifetime" to fix the thing. Whose life ... yours or theirs???
Taurus have crap-ola resale value when compared to "pricier" gun manufacturers that tend to hold their values better or, in some cases, actually appreciate in market value. Try finding that in a Taurus ... but if you're happy w/ 'em ... who cares what anyone thinks??
Again, I got mine "early" in the game -- they were crap -- and as a result, I'll never buy another one. Fool me once, fool me twice ....
All the more for you ...