Crappy Old Guns & Century Arms
"Ya pays yer money and ya takes yer chances."
That's true of Century Arms, CMP, and lots of other dealers/importers in old military iron.
I used to hold an FFL and I've bought good stuff from them (CETME, Mosin-Nagants, Mauser 98s re-chambered by the Israelis to .308) and some absolute junk (FN49 that wouldn't extract with anything short of a steel cleaning-rod being hammered down the barrel, Springfield with a barrel clocked 30-degrees CCW from plumb).
Ya gotta realize that you're often buying rifles that are significantly older than you are, and you're often paying relatively cheap prices. The worst thing about a lot of their stuff is the labor in cleaning them of that nasty cosmoline.
Century has treated me OK when I griped their products. They accepted the return of the FN49 and shipped me a new one (I paid shipping). I ate the cost of re-barreling the Springfield -- it was still a good deal since I knew a gunsmith.
Regarding CMP: Love 'em! I'm in a Gun-Club that sponsors a Boy Scout Troop. That gets us an extra 10% off the already reasonable CMP prices. I've bought two Garands from them. One is OK, but the other shoots very nearly Nat'l Match -- amazing for a stock rifle. Their currently available Garands are at: I would not go below service grade if I were you.
Join a CMP-affiliated club if you can find one in your area. Their club-locator site for Calif is:
The very bestest thing about ordering stuff from the CMP is -- they ship it straight to your house. The USPS is supposed to only leave the stuff with an adult, but I still recall the day when I got two rifles delivered from CMP (a Garand and an H&R M12 target 22) in GREAT HUGE WHACKING BOXES. When they got home from school, my 13-year old son and his buddy excitedly called me at work with the message "Dad, dad! The mail-man brought us guns! The mail-man brought us guns!" WAY COOL!