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Seeking advice on that first handgun or next weapon purchase? Ask AW!


Registered User
I need to update my profile. I have transfered from the Socalist Republic of Kalifornia, and am back in 2nd Ammendment Country.

To answer your question, yes, hi-cap mags are still illegeal out west. You can't even buy one out of state and bring it with you, or you are "importing" illegal firearm products. If you own a hi-cap mag and weapon that was made before the ban, you can claim the grand-father clause.

Before you buy a new .40, take the Smith and Wesson M&P out for a test drive. I have their 9MM, and I love it. Smith has come a long way with their autos.


San Diego . . . they still ban hi-cap magazines over there?

Question for anyone who is a .40 cal fan. In the event I feel like upgrading to .40 in the near future (I want a rifle first! :icon_wink), I was debating of either Heckler and Koch P2000 or USP Compact. Anyone who is familiar with the two, what are the pros and cons of each one?

I'm planning on picking up an HK in .40 as well and really like both the P2000 and the USPc. The differences as explained to me were that the P2000 slide has been slimmed and shaped a little bit to make a better carry weapon. You can also get the P2000 with the LEM trigger if that's your thing, and it has the replaceable backstraps.


I'm planning on picking up an HK in .40 as well and really like both the P2000 and the USPc. ....
Both superior modern Euro-trash handguns, in my opinion. I have one each in .40 S&W, and there's not a dime's worth of difference between the two, at least as far as size & shape and portability. The P2000 is actually SLIGHTLY larger, all around. If there's any real difference, it's all in the eye of the beholder and it's so small, it's not worth the time taken to worry about it -- for carry purposes.

I DO prefer the V3 trigger (SA/DA) on the P2000 to the LEM trigger I have on the USPC. I installed a spring kit purchased from H&K on the LEM and dropped the trigger pull @ 35% to something more to my liking. I also prefer the ergonomics of the grip w/ assorted backstraps on the P2000 -- it's similar to the Walther P99 (an underrated pistol) but the USPC grip stippling seems a little "rough" by comparison when using it bare-handed --- the P2000 just seems to "fit" my hand mo' bettah. :)

The P2000 also has a universal rail system -- unlike the USPC, which must utilize proprietary add-on's or adapters to mount lights/lasers. I've got a .357 SIG barrel on order for both, just because ...

The only detractor would be the ease with which they both seem to show slight high edge wear on the small metal parts such as the slide release.

Just my $20 worth ....


Former Rhino Bro
My first pistol, which is currently my primary carry, is the Glock 21SF .45. I love it. Just picked up a Baby Glock 26 for the warm weather that's comin'.

Them HK's are sexy weapons.


Registered User
as if Harleys, fishing, and golf aren't expensive enuff hobbies....you guys are going to get me in to guns too!


Back from the range
Sorry about the image size fellas. I just thought you might want to see if there were any bacteria on this gun.


Looks clean to me :). A good guideline is if a guy doesn't own some sort of model 1911 (preferably in .45 ACP) by the time they own two handguns there's something slightly askew with them. A series 70 Colt certainly makes the grade on the good side.


New Member
then i shall search for a 1911... first gun i bought right after i turned 18, and for a broke kid in college a hi-point .40 S&W isnt bad... its junk no doubt... but i finally have money to spend on more toys....

thoughts on this deal, springfield 1911 .45ACP new in the box, 2 magazines, compact holster, and an extra set of grips. $450.00 i think this is a hell of a deal, any others opinions are welcomed.


New Member
Not a bad deal at all. Make sure you shoot a Springfield before you get it, some people don't like them just because they're Springfield.

I have a SIG GSR Revolution XO 1911 .45ACP. It's a hell of a weapon if you want to spend the money, but it's better than any other .45 I've shot.


New Member
well today my room mate found a couple of Sig P225 refurbished, they used to be german police issue, for 260 a piece. Throw in the 20 bucks to the guy for the FFL and ordering. I'm not sure if they have the Sig manufacturers used certification on them or not. and now i'm torn on what i should order... ofcourse i leave for OCS in 3 weeks, so i'll just wait until i'm done, then buy both!!!


I'm guessing for the price they're P225's, not CPO certified. I have one, it's a good deal for the price but needs about $30 of work on the feed ramp for it to feed JHP's reliably, and magazines are no longer in production and starting to dry up in a bit.


Registered User
There is a coastie in a-pool right now that is starting a group buy for sigs. I walked by the front desk the other day and there was a sign that said "Sig Sauers sold here"... I did a double take. I think they have wings engraved in them or something crazy...


Recovering NFO. Herder of Programmers.
Super Moderator
There is a coastie in a-pool right now that is starting a group buy for sigs. I walked by the front desk the other day and there was a sign that said "Sig Sauers sold here"... I did a double take. I think they have wings engraved in them or something crazy...
The sign should have said "that guy."