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Seeking advice regarding platform


Well-Known Member
Each time you fly, whether you're delivering marines or the mail, just play this scene (and the soundtrack) in your head.


Mobilizer Extraordinaire
To the OP, I get this is "the biggest thing in the world right now", but this will pass. I saw this more than a few times at selection days as an IP. You've spent months/years obsessing over this day and it didn't go the way you wanted, but you're still part of a highly skilled group inside one of the world's best fighting forces. That's not nothing.

In a few months, the day you put those wings on will be Top 5 in your life. If you've still got the urge to fly Hercs later on, there's Guard and Reserve units.


New Member
Herc's are an extremely small portion of the selections. There are some weeks were you could have an 80 NSS and there simply are no Herc slots that week. You really set yourself up for heartache with a Herc's or bust mentality.

For those stressing selections out of primary wanting Herc's real bad-- you could also do everything right and have a higher NSS than the guy who actually got the Herc slot in your week. Quality spread is a real thing out of primary


Well-Known Member
For those stressing selections out of primary wanting Herc's real bad-- you could also do everything right and have a higher NSS than the guy who actually got the Herc slot in your week. Quality spread is a real thing out of primary

Is it now? It was 95% of the time (no exaggeration) a purely rack and stack game previously. I only can think of 2 selection weeks the 12 or so months I was in Corpus where things might not have worked out on a purely quantitative basis (and one of those was rumor).


New Member
Is it now? It was 95% of the time (no exaggeration) a purely rack and stack game previously. I only can think of 2 selection weeks the 12 or so months I was in Corpus where things might not have worked out on a purely quantitative basis (and one of those was rumor).

I would think generally yes, 95% will be rack and stacked grades wise. Unfortunately I get to be a part of the 5% looking to "bloom where you're planted" out of primary despite having better grades. I'm only posting for future SNA's who will be looking at everything and anything on this site related to doing well in primary and selections as I did, to keep quality spread in the back of their mind as a possibility so it doesn't come as too much of a surprise.


Well-Known Member
Are you Navy? For the Marines it’s a pretty fair shake. Idk about USN though. Sorry to hear it man. On the plus side, if you’re a helo guy, you’re almost guaranteed to live somewhere much more cool and exciting than multi engine or jet drivers. And that’s not a small deal.


New Member
I’m a Tilt Marine. I was told to try to think about it kind of like how TBS MOS selection happens. I’m happy with the duty locations available for that platform so you’re right there’s silver lining there.

Treetop Flyer

Well-Known Member
Are you Navy? For the Marines it’s a pretty fair shake. Idk about USN though. Sorry to hear it man. On the plus side, if you’re a helo guy, you’re almost guaranteed to live somewhere much more cool and exciting than multi engine or jet drivers. And that’s not a small deal.
How do you figure. East/west/Japan plus maybe Hawaii? Cherry Point is marginally better than New River and Beaufort is a lot better than both.


Well-Known Member
How do you figure. East/west/Japan plus maybe Hawaii? Cherry Point is marginally better than New River and Beaufort is a lot better than both.
My bad, should have clarified that that's if he's Navy, since they have North Island, HI, Japan (Atsugi at that), Rota, amongst others.

For Marines I guess RW and tilt guys have a greater likelihood of ending up in California, and they have HI and Oki, which both seem better to me than Yuma, Beaufort, or CP. But that's just my $0.02. Iwakuni would be pretty cool though, I imagine.


Well-Known Member
I’m a Tilt Marine. I was told to try to think about it kind of like how TBS MOS selection happens. I’m happy with the duty locations available for that platform so you’re right there’s silver lining there.
Weird. Maybe things are done differently over there at MATSG-22 now but generally speaking it was usually the top 2-3 slots for sure get what they want and its was generally racked and stacked after that. That being said I know they do sometimes have alot of tilt and rotor (or more tilt than rotor or more rotor than tilt) slots and that might become a crap shoot when you have over 1/2 of selectees going to either of those communities.

Either way. You're gonna have a good time, especially if you end up out in Oki or Cali or Hawaii. There's something to be said for working with a crew as well.


Standing by for the RIF !
V-22 is goodness. As previously stated, its high demand everywhere. The platform is just now finally hitting its stride operationally.

AF is increasing its CV-22 buy to include AFRES. Think of the sweet deal you could get doing a mid career inter service xfer to AFRES while you are flying airlines.

Life is good. You will love it.


Naval Aviator
Why does tilting have such a bad rep? Seems like it'd be cool to fly, watching from the cheap seats.
Test pilot-turned engineer great uncle told me its biggest issues were centered on learning how to fly and maintain it, especially downrage. From the armchair (and as someone who may end up flying it), I'd like to think the Navy sat back and let the Marines and Air Force work out all the kinks before adopting it to replace the C-2.