If I get a finsel I think I would be a fool not to attend.
Do people regularly get Pro Rec Y and not get a FINAL SELECT? Based on what I have seen, all should and will get a final select. Have you observed otherwise?
If I get a finsel I think I would be a fool not to attend.
Not sure. Just making a comment.Do people regularly get Pro Rec Y and not get a FINAL SELECT? Based on what I have seen, all should and will get a final select. Have you observed otherwise?
It would be very rare. Possibly for a legal issue... ARI/DUI or arrest for???, drug involvement, etc. OR, an unforeseen medical problem requiring resolution prior to FS letter. On very rare occasions, questionable info might pop up on open BI/clearance investigations which could possibly delay or withhold Final Select pending problem resolution.Do people regularly get Pro Rec Y and not get a FINAL SELECT? Based on what I have seen, all should and will get a final select. Have you observed otherwise?
I knew a guy who was a math major and was going to go NUPOC. He did MEPS, was picked up, but did some stupid things and ended up with a DUI before leaving for OCS. (Or maybe he was going the enlisted side, I can't remember the full story). But that crushed those plans with the USN.
Do people regularly get Pro Rec Y and not get a FINAL SELECT? Based on what I have seen, all should and will get a final select. Have you observed otherwise?
I, too, was PRO REC-Y on the most recent SWO OCS board. With regard to your question, you have been recommended and therefore not selected. Your evaluation should be unaffected and your billet subcategory will be Regular. The only thing I think this might affect (although it really shouldn't), is how your command ranks you amongst your other PO1's as you can absorb a P or MP without it adversely affecting you (due to your recent OCS selection). This, of course, depends on what you received last time, and based on your stats you broke out as #1 EP. If that is the case, you will still be that.
In short, your eval is not going to be a 1 of 1 "SELECTED", but will be a normally ranked "REGULAR" eval.
CTTC Chris Hallissy
How confident are you about this?? Its not billet subcategory that has the selected/regular - its the "promotion recommendation." Since OCS is not listed as one of the three programs that are eligible for advancement to E7-E9, that should give us a "selected" status for promotion rec IAW the eval instruction (listed in first comment) right?
You can fail out of OCS and revert back to the fleet as your current rank. Your final selection letter states that you are being offered a seat at OCS, not that you have been selected as an Ensign. I understand where you are coming from, but am certain that you will receive a regular evaluation with a standard promotion recommendation.
I'm in the same situation. I am normally rank in the EP category, but my command insisted that I be ranked a one of one... and pulled out of the running for Sailor of the Year.. since I was "selected" for OCS. However, the "selected" mentioning in the 1610 is for LDO/CWO programs. Those are guaranteed commissioning... OCS is not. The CMC agreed with my argument and said that if for any reason I don't make it through OCS my contract will be resumed and I'll return to a First Class... I'm still eligible for the chiefs exam this January even though I have been Pro'recd.... so you should get a normal eval as regular.