@mightymau5, also: I'm a bit more concerned about your disinclination to be a 'bomb-dropper' then your desire for a particular platform. There's no need to be bloodthirsty in this business...in fact I'm pretty sure any of us with wings would look askance at a guy with that atttiude in our ready room...but being willing to pull the trigger is part of the job. If that's not your cuppa, you might want to rethink your life goals.
And since you brought it up: the Griz does carry plenty of things that go 'boom'.
I would take this one step further. To the OP, is it just a preference or is killing bad guys really something that you don't want to do? You may not even need to cross the river to answer all of the alligator and canoe responses.
If you would just rather not pull the trigger, but are ok with it if you have to, then keep on keeping on. Realize that our Helos shoot missiles, our MPRA have ordnance, and like Fester said, even the Growler has stuff that kills people.
If you are seriously against being the guy pulling the trigger then this isn't the route for you. You will have little control on what platform you end up in so there is no certainty that you could avoid a platform that you don't want.
I've seen a guy who didn't really want to be the trigger puller, even though that was his job and the guys on the ground needed him to do his job. He didn't drop when he should have and that is a dangerous thing.