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is clara ship
At what point do Mids have service selection.....is it just at the beginning of 1/c year (regardless of expected graduation date), or is it some other time? I'm wondering because it looks like I will be gradutating after winter term following my 1/c year (as in my 5th year of school). Will I select w/ the rest of my class?


getting salty...
My friends who graduate this dec. are going to find out thier selection this friday supposedly. I graduate in the spring and will find out around christmas. It will be the best or worst christmas EVER if it works out that way.


Shut the F#%k up, dummy!
I was a Dec grad. last year. I put my Service Selection package in during August and found out on Oct 17. The May grads put their packages in during October and found out between Christmas and New Years.


Next guy to ask about thumbdrives gets shot.
mules83 said:
I graduate in the spring and will find out around christmas.
I graduate in the spring too and we just heard from our aviation advisor that "knowing by Christmas is a little optimistic, we might not know until March".

Fezz CB

I graduated/commissioned last month, but they put my package in last Oct and we all found out a week b4 xmas break. I nearly sh!t a brick bc my CO actually made personal phone calls to congratulate us on our service selection. But our skipper is quite the joker and called me up saying the following...

Skipper: hey MIDN Fezz, guess what? We got the word of your 1st choice service selection.
Me: Sweet!
Skipper: It looks like youll be on the USS ________ out of Norfolk. Surface is what you wanted, right?
Me: *cricket*
Skipper: GOTCHA! MUAHAHA! Have a great time at NAS Pensacola :)


getting salty...
I am not going to be happy if i have to wait till march for my selection. This semester is going by slow enough.

Usually, it is later and last year, it was unusually early.