Probably not, they're better off somewhere else, not their niche.
Like MB said...someday, if you make it back to harriers, you might hear rumors of a certain "no pick up list". Maybe it is just a rumor....but that water's either mighty cold or nice and warm, just the way the sharks like it.
"We was comin' back from the island of Tinian to Leyte... just delivered the bomb. The Hiroshima bomb. Eleven hundred men went into the water. Vessel went down in 12 minutes. Didn't see the first shark for about a half an hour. Tiger. 13-footer...Anyway, he saw us and he come in low and three hours later a big fat PBY comes down and starts to pick us up. You know that was the time I was most frightened... waitin' for my turn. I'll never put on a lifejacket again. So, eleven hundred men went in the water; 316 men come out and the sharks took the rest, June the 29th, 1945. Anyway, we delivered the bomb."