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Sen. Specter goes to the dark side!


Something witty.
Senator Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania, currently the 12th-most senior Senator, is switching to the Democratic Party.

For those keeping score, that makes 60 Democratic senators, a frightening prospect as the Senate is now filibuster-proof.

I may be in support of POTUS, but now I'm scared to death of the U.S. Congress. We now have no effective opposition party in the Senate.

The Renegade

Senator Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania, currently the 12th-most senior Senator, is switching to the Democratic Party.

For those keeping score, that makes 60 Democratic senators, a frightening prospect as the Senate is now filibuster-proof.

I may be in support of POTUS, but now I'm scared to death of the U.S. Congress. We now have no effective opposition party in the Senate.

where did you here this from?
Never mind... I used google
Yeah i just saw the news while I was on my lunch break......I guess we'll have to just wait and see how it plays out


Registered User
Specter was going to get trounced in the Republican primary. He was polling 1-3 against his challenger. Him keeping that seat is no sure thing, and this is just a move for a politican to attempt to stay in power. This is to further his own personal political career. Nothing else.

Murtha and Specter, both from PA. They must be so proud.


Well-Known Member
Not many places do, and even with the discounts, the prices are still nuts.

And if you meant to imply that we shoot a lot in the Navy, you are mistaken.

I have fired a gun 3 times in 9 years on Uncle Sam's dime.



Oh I agree. I picked out two paragraphs telling the same information.
CNN vs Fox ... oh boy

Fox News said:
Republican voters had sent him to the Senate five times. But faced with the prospect of a strong challenge from conservative Pat Toomey in the GOP primary and the state trending Democratic, Specter jumped ship

CNN said:
Specter, a five-term Senate veteran, was greeted by a loud, sustained round of applause by dozens of constituents outside his Washington office shortly after the news broke.
"I don't have to say anything to them," a smiling Specter said. "They've said it to me." Specter was expected to face a very tough primary challenge in 2010 from former Rep. Pat Toomey, who nearly defeated Specter in the Pennsylvania GOP Senate primary in 2004.


Well-Known Member
here's a link: http://www.cnn.com/2009/POLITICS/04/28/specter.party.switch/

i personally don't like the titles of democrat and republican. like me or hate me, i'm a per issue sort of guy. people who vote the party without much knowledge of the issues.... well its frustrating

Unfortunately, Washington has become an industry of followers. If you don't vote with your party, then you soon find yourself losing needed support (in Washington there is safety in numbers). There is no republican leaderhship in congress and even if there was, there are not enough of them to do anything. Don't worry though, Clinton started out like this and in two years, he lost the congress to the republican party...


Old RIOs never die: They just can't fast-erect
2 observations:
(a) Wouldn't want to be in a foxhole or sinking ship w/ Specter, and
(b) Watch the doorknob, Dude!


Well-Known Member
Farewell to bad rubbish, for you independent thinking Ron Paul supporters, hope you're happy now. We are officially fucked and to those who gave me "bad rep" (like I care) for me stating the voting age should be raised, well go **** yourselves. These kids that don't know their asshole from a hole in the ground that voted for the "change you idiots can believe in" are the difference.