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Sen. Specter goes to the dark side!


Super *********
Super Moderator
Farewell to bad rubbish, for you independent thinking Ron Paul supporters, hope you're happy now. We are officially fucked and to those who gave me "bad rep" (like I care) for me stating the voting age should be raised, well go **** yourselves. These kids that don't know their asshole from a hole in the ground that voted for the "change you idiots can believe in" are the difference.

Really, tell us how you feel :)


Idiots w/boats = job security
Super Moderator
His party is getting more red, his state is getting more blue...no surprises, here.

It has been said that the Republican party hasn't been too friendly to moderates lately with the "you're with or against us" mentality. And Sen Specter has always been independent voting w/ the Dems in the past, so it is no surprise that he faced a serious challenge in the Republican primary.

Sen Snowe...are you next?

Big Biff

Got Em
His party is getting more red, his state is getting more blue...no surprises, here.

It has been said that the Republican party hasn't been too friendly to moderates lately with the "you're with or against us" mentality. And Sen Specter has always been independent voting w/ the Dems in the past, so it is no surprise that he faced a serious challenge in the Republican primary.

Sen Snowe...are you next?

Specter and Snowe always leaned more to the left than Lieberman ever leaned to the right (Bailout). But like the consensus says, I'm sure this was more of a way to keep his hopes up for keeping his Senate seat. I don't see such a senior senator rubber stamping his name on every dem bill coming by. Remember it was he who initially stopped up the whole Employee Free Choice Act which would have had massive reprocussions on all small businesses if passed.


Registered User
I'd love for Snowe and Collins to go to the jackass party as well....probably McCain and his idiot daughter too for that matter.


Whateva! I do what I want!
Super Moderator
His party is getting more red, his state is getting more blue...no surprises, here.

It has been said that the Republican party hasn't been too friendly to moderates lately with the "you're with or against us" mentality. And Sen Specter has always been independent voting w/ the Dems in the past, so it is no surprise that he faced a serious challenge in the Republican primary.

Sen Snowe...are you next?

The minority party generally has to enforce party discipline. When the Dems were in the minority they did pretty much the same thing. A guy from my parent's church is one of the MD reps and when he got elected in 2002 he was generally pretty moderate, but during his freshman term he went waaaaaaaaaay left.


Solidly part of the 42%.
Arlen Specter said:
"I am unwilling to have my twenty-nine year Senate record judged by the Pennsylvania Republican primary electorate.

Don't worry guys. He just likes his job. Senator Specter is just gaming the game so he's not ousted by his own consituency. Character and principles be damned.

Gawd, I hope he loses in the general election. I gave not a damn when I saw this story come up. A politician changing his party affiliation isnt exactly the story of the century. However, he has demonstrated that he no longer has the qualities needed for public service. Do we have to witness any more jack-assery before we demand term limits?


Super Moderator
Don't worry guys. He just likes his job. Senator Specter is just gaming the game so he's not ousted by his own consituency. Character and principles be damned.

Gawd, I hope he loses in the general election. I gave not a damn when I saw this story come up. A politician changing his party affiliation isnt exactly the story of the century. However, he has demonstrated that he no longer has the qualities needed for public service. Do we have to witness any more jack-assery before we demand term limits?

How is this any different than what Senator Lieberman did? Except he dropped his party after losing the primary.


Solidly part of the 42%.
How is this any different than what Senator Lieberman did? Except he dropped his party after losing the primary.

Isn't Lieberman still a democrat? He lost his party primary and still got his name on the general election ballot. He then won.

Sure, there's heartburn with that, but he didn't give everybody the finger before the primary even happened the way Specter is doing by completely changing parties to get away from the axe. He's doing whatever is necessary to protect himself and his career. Is it the ultimate sellout?

The Renegade

Is it the ultimate sellout?

I think the Republican Party sold him out. Sen. Specter has been a moderate R for the better part of 3 decades. But since ’04, Republicans have been rejecting any fellow Republicans that have ANY left-leaning views… “If you don’t think like US, talk like US, or votes like US then you are not needed amongst US…”, “What the fuck you mean a difference in opinion can help to promote better, more well-rounded ideas for the future?!? Jackass… that’s liberal talk, you friggin’ left-wing socialist, un-patriotic son of a bitch…”

The Republican party has been giving Sen. Specter the big “fuck you” since he almost lost his seat in ’04. Now, I guess Sen. Specter has responded with a big “Well, fuck you too!!”


Super Moderator
Isn't Lieberman still a democrat? He lost his party primary and still got his name on the general election ballot. He then won.

Sure, there's heartburn with that, but he didn't give everybody the finger before the primary even happened the way Specter is doing by completely changing parties to get away from the axe. He's doing whatever is necessary to protect himself and his career. Is it the ultimate sellout?

No, he is an Independent but 'caucuses' with the Democrats. Which means he votes/meets with the Democrats on most issues, but he does his own thing when he wants. Like supporting McCain last year.

Senator Lieberman's actions aren't much different than Senator Specter's, they both want to stay in the Senate. Like you pointed out, Lieberman even lost his primary while Specter is switching before he loses.

Either way the voters have the final choice, and that is what really matters, right?


Idiots w/boats = job security
Super Moderator
Don't worry guys. He just likes his job. Senator Specter is just gaming the game so he's not ousted by his own consituency. Character and principles be damned.
Not all of his constituency...just the ever-shrinking Republican voters from Pennsylvania that will vote in the primary.

Gawd, I hope he loses in the general election. I gave not a damn when I saw this story come up. A politician changing his party affiliation isnt exactly the story of the century. However, he has demonstrated that he no longer has the qualities needed for public service. Do we have to witness any more jack-assery before we demand term limits?
Not the story of the century, but it is a big story as it pertains to the filibuster-proof majority for the Dems, and the narrative on how the Republican party is in serious disarray lacking leadership. And which qualities does he lack for public service (the bar isn't really that high, Mike;)), and how has he demonstrated his lack of them?


Should a senator have loyalty to his party or his constituents?

How many of the indignant are Penn residents, and if not, just what the F does he owe you?
