At least you're approaching this logically and un-emotionally.
When you are in tune with the very real consequences of two combatants doing everything they can to shoot each other in the dome and all the mental and physical requirements that achieve that end state you'd probably be piss too. The fact that literally 95% of congress and political lobbyists who pushed this agenda have not served, let alone experienced a combat environment, nor educated themselves in a profession of arms, are making decisions that they have no context to base the consequence of said decision is a huge issue. That's a problem for this experiment called democracy and will result in people getting killed. You can apply this situation to many other facets of our government as well. There is no such thing called equality when individuals are trying to kill each other.
It is much akin to pushing females through flight school or FRS with "extra training" where male counterparts would receive no such leniency and be pushed aside to meet a certain "female" or "diversity" PTR goal.
You can mitigate aircrew with certain actions (crew pairing, pipeline selection, IAs, selective scheduling) but there is no such ability to do that as a grunt without reducing capability. Policy or not - it's pretty stupid.