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Service Selection


Making Recruiting Great Again
Not true. We had a guy from my school this year who got turned down for subs and everyone was completely shocked. He was a really smart guy, did well in the battalion, etc. Apparently he aced the technical part of his interview but when he went to see the admiral, the admiral just didn't like him. He's a SWO now. We all felt sooooooooooooo bad for him.

Ditto. We had a person who was prior nuke, worked on carriers and such, did well here at the NROTC, and wasn't even given an interview with the Admiral. Its very difficult to get nuke, better yet surface nuke.


I believe that back when Rickover was in charge, he didn't like prior enlisted Nukes going officer Nuke. I don't know if that is still the case today.


Ditto. We had a person who was prior nuke, worked on carriers and such, did well here at the NROTC, and wasn't even given an interview with the Admiral. Its very difficult to get nuke, better yet surface nuke.

Actually, now that I think about it, you're right. A guy form my unit was denied an interview. However, I still maintain that they are hurting for people, but it sounds like their standards have not been compromised (hence the bonus money skyrocketing and people still getting rejected). Thanks for reminding me. However, I still don't think it is that difficult to get it, based on people I know who have been given nuke spots (subs).


Combating TIP training AGAIN?!
So they're liberating energy in the form of gamma rays...What are they going to do with the gamma rays? I suppose it wouldn't take too much to get an X-ray gun that's light enough, but it's not exactly easy to harvest gamma rays going in all directions and then liberate that energy with any efficiency; all with a weight restriction. Not to mention that people don't exactly have pure hafnium-178 in their garages. Just purifying the hafnium is going to take more time and money than it's worth.


The authenticity of you being a bona-fide Marine has just been called into question with that post... I keed, I keed. :D

Mr Zogs

New Member
Just to jump onto the service selection bandwagon...I actually am putting EOD as my first choice. I know that this is primarily an aviation related site but I can't find much gouge anywhere including at my unit. I was wondering if anyone on this forum had any gouge on how many billets were available? I take my PST on Thursday...it seems like i've just had one setback after another though, I'm due for surgery next week for dislocating both shoulders while wrestling. Hopefully i'll still be able to score high enough among the other middys that haven't dislocated theirs. I'd appreciate any/ all info ya'll might have.


Just to jump onto the service selection bandwagon...I actually am putting EOD as my first choice. I know that this is primarily an aviation related site but I can't find much gouge anywhere including at my unit. I was wondering if anyone on this forum had any gouge on how many billets were available? I take my PST on Thursday...it seems like i've just had one setback after another though, I'm due for surgery next week for dislocating both shoulders while wrestling. Hopefully i'll still be able to score high enough among the other middys that haven't dislocated theirs. I'd appreciate any/ all info ya'll might have.

Man that's hardcore. I've known a few people who've been selected for EOD, but I really don't know much about it (except that they were PT studs). Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be much thought given to anything other than SWO/SUB/Aviation/USMC in NROTC. Good luck though, hopefully someone else around here can help you out.


New Member
Eod Pst

<9:00 Swim
>100 sit-ups
>100 push-ups
>20 pull-ups
<9:00 run

Also it is good to have an interview with a current SpecOps Officer. The run/swim can vary a little depending on what you bring to the table but rumor states that below the other scores earns you a spot in the trash so take it for what its worth. They have a good update on the NPC site, dont quote me but the numbers are pretty small. If you want it and dont get it re-apply to each Sept board, persistence is key. HTHs.

Mr Zogs

New Member
How does that work exactly...I'd assume I'd be told im going SWO and have to reapply from the fleet?


New Member
I would say SWO most likely. Not sure of the time line but I think you need your pin to transfer, others on here may have positives.
Getting an SNA/SNFO spot, going through flight school, finishing your 8 years and then applying would be tough, sort of a waste of money but I have seen pilots with birds, docs with wings so it may be possible, but you would be way behind the power curve in terms of knowledge and would get at most one or two dets as an OIC. They just recently started sending guys direct to Dive school with a three week trip to great lakes to prep them right after commissioning. Essentially you will go straight through like the enlisted techs, then go to a mobile unit to pick up your senior crab skipping the swo tour from the past pipeline. There is a good EOD power point brief (I know, power point sucks) on the NPC site I listed earlier. They have the exact numbers for the re-designation board on the site also.
www.npc.navy.mil and go to expeditionary warfare, then specops. Good luck.


is clara ship
Man that's hardcore. I've known a few people who've been selected for EOD, but I really don't know much about it (except that they were PT studs). Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be much thought given to anything other than SWO/SUB/Aviation/USMC in NROTC. Good luck though, hopefully someone else around here can help you out.

Yeah, every EOD select I have known has been a PT animal....the kind of guys who you would expect to go SEALs, but got EOD because of some admin slip-up, or because their (my) unit has never really produced a SEAL (which apparently factors into their packages in the SEAL world)


Professional (?) Flight Instructor
i've been hearing that is getting pretty easy to get NFO and Pilot and that people putting SWO as their number one with good grades are getting pilot,
I was one of "those guys" who put SWO first and got NFO (though, my XO pulled some strings and got me a SNA slot.) I was shocked, as was the rest of my battalion. I had a pretty solid package, I wasn't a rockstar, but I worked hard. There's really no telling, and absolutely no 100% guarentee that you will get what you want, unless you go nuke and the admiral tells you he wants you in his program...

The best advice that I can give you, as someone who has actually been blind-sided like that on service selection, is to make the most of your cruises. Do a SWO cruise, do an aviation cruise.. learn as much as you can about the different communities, because you never know where the navy is going to need you.


New Member
Thanks very much for ya'lls input...guess i'll just have to wait till the results come out

3 guys from my Unit got EOD from the class of 07. All had really good grades (i think 3.7+) and all were ridiculous PTers. Like, 30+ pullups (one guy could do close to 50) fast as hell runs and swims. To get EOD or SEAL you need to seriously PT every day, sometimes twice a day, and really WANT it. I don't think its easy.


About Service Selections

About service selection out of NROTC, I'm wondering what the aggregate percentages are for Marine, Air (SNA & SNFO), nuc (sub & surf), SWO, all others. I hear anecdotally, of course, that coming out of the Academy less than half go SWO but out of NROTC, over half get SWO; Academy sends nearly 20% Marine but NROTC gets a lesser percentage. Does anyone have any perspective on aggregate community selections out of NROTC?

The earlier advice about learning about multiple communities on summer cruise is solid. It would be good to have your mind right on your community choices, in priority order. Don't game it because you're a mushroom.:icon_wink


is clara ship
About service selection out of NROTC, I'm wondering what the aggregate percentages are for Marine, Air (SNA & SNFO), nuc (sub & surf), SWO, all others. I hear anecdotally, of course, that coming out of the Academy less than half go SWO but out of NROTC, over half get SWO; Academy sends nearly 20% Marine but NROTC gets a lesser percentage. Does anyone have any perspective on aggregate community selections out of NROTC?

The earlier advice about learning about multiple communities on summer cruise is solid. It would be good to have your mind right on your community choices, in priority order. Don't game it because you're a mushroom.:icon_wink

100 % of the males in my graduating class (this last year) went SNA/SNFO if that means anything