How can you tell whether it is a shin splint or a stress fracture?
Insanebikerboy, while frank, wasn't far off from the truth at all :cry_125:. Never tough out a stress fracture.
How can you tell whether it is a shin splint or a stress fracture?
I move out for rotc indoc on August 7th and I'm pretty sure I have stress fractures so I'm gonna take 4-5 weeks to make sure I don't hurt myself right before school starts.
Tried that. Over the 2 weeks I took off, I did light leg weight exercises, stretched frequently, got new shoes, and iced almost every day. For the first few days I started running again it was all fine but then I started getting pain again. I'm more flexible and stronger than ever so I'm almost positive that it is a fracture. Also, from what I've read, the only sure way to see if you have a fracture is to get an MRI - and I don't really want to do that.
I'm following the rule of thumb - if it hurts, don't do it. - and I'm not
they're relatively new Asics 2120s with good running insoles
I honestly have no idea - I have regular feet and I thought this was a regular shoe.