I would stretch and see if its possible to get re-measured before you have to make a decision. If it still looks questionable, then make a decision. If you're 5'4, you will be disqualified for E-2 NFO. (whether thats something you might want or not)
Originally posted by Nukes Pilot Wife
But, it didn't really matter until she had NOMI measurements..so she bought a plane ticket out to p-cola (out of her own picket) and got a NOMI physical to be sure. From now on, if you disqualify in P-cola when you show up for training, you will most likely get discharged from the Navy. Even the SWO community has a surplus of officers, especially as ships get decomm'd. The guinea pig's advice is to pay the extra penny and get NOMI measurements BEFORE you get to API for your "in" physical because by knowing beforehand that you aren't qualified may give you a chance to stay in by giving you time to redesignate. Plus, she said, by going early you are not just one "a number" in P-cola. Being 64" and in the "yellow zone" myself, I'm planning to go get NOMI measurements asap, IFS schedule permitting.