Not to be an ass, but those scores are pretty weak. You should definitely take the ASTB again...There is tons of gouge on this site, use the search tool and you will find everything you need to up those scores.
I'm not on any selection board so I can't give you a for sure answer, but all the information I have received echoes Skillz post.
I was under the impression that 4/5/4 was the min for 1390. It might be 4/4/4, but Im almost positive 3's are not qualifying.
Also with just shy of a 3.0 you might want to spend some more time in the books. Being a senior it will be hard to bring your GPA up this late in the game, but all the gouge I have read/heard suggests a 3.0 or above is what you should be shooting for to be competitive. Not to say that 3.0 is required, but you obviously want to have as good a GPA possible.