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Sink/Scrap list


Pro-Rec Fighter Pilot
The DeWert didn't have a #3 engine room. At least not when I cruised on her :D
You mean AMR 3?
Pardon my FFG NATOPS knowledge. See, that is what I got out of that cruise:D. The loud space through the sound-proofed swinging door where the big screen on the mess deck is. Wanna know how much trouble I got in for catching a sea turtle on my fishing line while pierside?:D


Jobu needs a refill!
Pardon my FFG NATOPS knowledge. See, that is what I got out of that cruise. The loud space through the sound-proofed swinging door where the big screen on the mess deck is. Wanna know how much trouble I got in for catching a sea turtle on my fishing line while pierside?

One of the more senior lurkers on this board was the former CO of DeWert. A kid landed a Yellowfin on our way to the NAG in '93, and the CO was working out in the starboard helo hangar/gym. He took over the aft lookouts sound powered phones and backed the ship down to recover the tuna. He summoned the IDC to "okay" the fish and had it chopped up and served on the mess decks pronto.
Good times.


Shut up woman... get on my horse.
Its surprising that they would rather sink some of these ships than recycle them. For nostalgia and economics.


It's not my lawn. It's OUR lawn.
There was talk around Newport a few months back about making the Forrestal a museum. Maybe that was the Sara or maybe the idea just got canned.


You'd think there'd be a friendly third world nation or two that would like the prestige of a carrier. I bet Colombia would like that big stick to swing in front of Hugo Chavez in Venezuela.
Selling Colombia an aircraft carrier would be a mistake. That would likely start an arms race, which wouldn't do anyone any good.


Shut up woman... get on my horse.
I suggest you research the USS Coral Sea fiasco.

Are you referring to this?

early 70,000 tons by the time she was struck, Coral Sea was the largest vessel ever scrapped up until that date and may be the last large American aircraft carrier ever to be scrapped (newer environmental laws make it unprofitable for companies to scrap carriers within the United States, and it is illegal to sell capital ships for scrapping abroad). The company attempted to sell the hulk to China for scrapping, but the Navy blocked the sale in court. The scrapping continued off and on for several years until finally completed on 8 September 2000.