A few of my friends did it because they were frustrated they got no formal firearms training from the Navy. I'm in a god damn armed service, but the Navy has never let me touch a weapon. The Marines get this part of the equation right in OCS/TBS.
A few of my friends did it because they were frustrated they got no formal firearms training from the Navy. I'm in a god damn armed service, but the Navy has never let me touch a weapon. The Marines get this part of the equation right in OCS/TBS.
Huh. Weird, but okay.
All this smacks of an ensign inferiority complex.
Just saying that I'd probably get something out of doing the course other than a couple of medals. Not that the medals really matter to me.
A few of my friends did it because they were frustrated they got no formal firearms training from the Navy. I'm in a god damn armed service, but the Navy has never let me touch a weapon. The Marines get this part of the equation right in OCS/TBS.
I meant weird that a guy in town has the juice with PERS. I know companies like XeWater and the like have sanctioned courses for other types of quals for the military, but I'm surprised something as simple a shooting qual can be done in town. Makes me wonder why I can't go to the range with a bunch of other people and our civilian weapons and ammo, shoot a course, and then say we're all good for ribbons.
First gun I ever shot in an official capacity in the Navy was the M61A1. No medals to be had on that one, just some sweet 20mm casings that I got to take home after giving the guys in ordnance a case of chucks.
I meant weird that a guy in town has the juice with PERS. I know companies like XeWater and the like have sanctioned courses for other types of quals for the military, but I'm surprised something as simple a shooting qual can be done in town. Makes me wonder why I can't go to the range with a bunch of other people and our civilian weapons and ammo, shoot a course, and then say we're all good for ribbons.
You can get an award for firing the gun. It's called a SOD and you get it when you accidentally strafe a spotting tower.
Yeah, heard about that one. Didn't like that whole class attrite for one reason or another or something crazy like that?
You also get the necessary training to get your Concealed Carry Permit here in Florida.