Useless in API, though. You aren't allowed to have cell phones in the building.
Whatever happened to just kicking cheaters out? And how hard are the tests that you actually have to cheat?
either way, if you ain't cheatin' you ain't tryin'
Whatever happened to the kid that broke into the API spaces and "liberated" an exam a few years ago?
Dude, quit being such a damn cheapass. Unless you owe the Russian Mob some money or something then get the damn phone. Buy an Ipad while you're at it. Between my DROID and my Ipad, I can pretty much study for a brief/flight, have the weather, file the flight plan, jam to some tunes, and have a little time left over to play a game of Angry Birds or two all while sitting AT THE BAR and drinking a beer or 6.
Do you need it? NO. Will you thank us later? Yes. You're welcome (in advance).
API's is pretty gay when it comes to tests. They are so poorly written that sometimes the only difference between choice A) and B) are the words AND, OR, BUT, MAYBE, SOMETIMES, etc. The tests are totally word fucked. The material isn't hard, but deciphering what they are trying to get at is.
Now it comes down to what to get....
Fixed it.API's is pretty gay [period].
The ladies are impressed.