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Smoker Tried to Open Airliner Door


getting salty...
I dont think it is possible to open up a door inflight, even if you tried. If you notice on the ground when they open, they get pulled inward (toward the cabin) and then are turned and push out. So at altitude, it would be impossible to 'pull' the door open due to the pressure difference.

Fly Navy

...Great Job!
Super Moderator
I dont think it is possible to open up a door inflight, even if you tried. If you notice on the ground when they open, they get pulled inward (toward the cabin) and then are turned and push out. So at altitude, it would be impossible to 'pull' the door open due to the pressure difference.

Are you gonna let someone try?


getting salty...
Yeah sure, what the he!!. Like what phrogpilot73 is saying in the other thread about freaking out passengers, just start yanking on the emergency exit trying to get out at cruise. See how much the other person freaks out. It "shouldnt" open.

Thats probably taking it too far

HAL Pilot

Well-Known Member
Most airliners and newer corporate aircraft have "plug" doors and exits. They are made to push against the aircraft sides and seal when the aircraft is pressurized. I won't say they "can't" be opened in flight, but it would be extremely difficult. An AA flight attendant did manage to open a door on an aircraft that was still pressurized on the ground (mechanical malfunction, no indication to the cockpit crew who thought they were depressurized). It blew him out of the aircraft and killed him when he landed head first on the ramp.

Some aircraft do have doors theat are not "plugs". The Piaggio P-180 I flew a couple of years ago is a newer turboprop. Goes to FL410. It's door and emergency exits swung outward and were held in place by a dead bolt type system. No problem opening that puppy in flight if you wanted to. (Lot's of problems after you opened though....)



It's gettin' a bit dramatic 'round here...
Super Moderator
I was on a rotator flight from the gulf back to the states...you know the one you have to take that last 40 hours.

Plane departed at 0115 from Bahrain. Anyways, we got woke up and made to get on and off at every intermedate stop (Sigonella, Naples, Rota, Azores) so we're basket cases by the time we trasnlant.

While mid atlantic, this poor kid gets up in a sleep stupor walks into the flight attendant galley and starts to pee in a corner. He wasn't drunk, just had no idea where he was...

Weird stuff. The NCIS meet us at the plane to take him away. I remarked to them he was not acting like a drunk at all at any time prior to the incident. Think he was sleepwalking.

Strange things happening out there folks....


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
I was on a rotator flight from the gulf back to the states...you know the one you have to take that last 40 hours.

Plane departed at 0115 from Bahrain. Anyways, we got woke up and made to get on and off at every intermedate stop (Sigonella, Naples, Rota, Azores) so we're basket cases by the time we trasnlant.

While mid atlantic, this poor kid gets up in a sleep stupor walks into the flight attendant galley and starts to pee in a corner. He wasn't drunk, just had no idea where he was...

Weird stuff. The NCIS meet us at the plane to take him away. I remarked to them he was not acting like a drunk at all at any time prior to the incident. Think he was sleepwalking.

Strange things happening out there folks....
I can beat that. We (the squadron) were coming back from a 3 month dry PSAB deployment on a chartered ATA flight. Stopped off in Shannon for gas and some of the Es loaded up in the bar, as well as the duty-free shop. Second leg, one of the Es spikes the cabin crew's drink with scotch and all hell breaks loose. Our CO is livid. Guess who the legal officer is? I end up conducting an investigation with my O-4 PIO on the aircraft and the CO holds mast (just happened to be the perp's 3rd in 10 months) right there on the jet as we fly over the Atlantic. Talk about good times!



I can beat that. We (the squadron) were coming back from a 3 month dry PSAB deployment on a chartered ATA flight. Stopped off in Shannon for gas and some of the Es loaded up in the bar, as well as the duty-free shop. Second leg, one of the Es spikes the cabin crew's drink with scotch and all hell breaks loose. Our CO is livid. Guess who the legal officer is? I end up conducting an investigation with my O-4 PIO on the aircraft and the CO holds mast (just happened to be the perp's 3rd in 10 months) right there on the jet as we fly over the Atlantic. Talk about good times!


Damn! That's crazy. And I thought all those annoying babies who won't stop crying while I'm trying to get some sleep on a cross-country red-eye were bad. Geesh.