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SNA Competition


New Member
Just got my NROTC service selection package sent out today. Looking for some input on how competitive I may be.

GPA 3.16
Civil Engineering Major
PNS Points: 93
5/5/6 ASTB 52 OAR
Outstanding Medium PRT
Never have had a bad FITREP or write-up

My designator choices are 1. Pilot 2. NFO 3. SWO

My main frustration is that I feel I am borderline and I have heard about a push and a need for NFO's. My FOFAR is the highest of my ASTB and am getting worried that I may get selected for NFO as apposed to pilot. I also took all of my calc's and physics my freshman year (which was my worst year) and got:

Calc I - C
Calc II - D
Phys I - B+
Phys II - D

After the bad freshman year I have never gotten below a B, just hoping the selection board will be able to see that.
Any responses appreciated


damn homeowners' associations
When I selected I didn't have a high GPA or a technical major (2.67 in History). My XO and other instructors in the unit said what probably helped me more than anything was the PNS rating. I don't remember what it was, but it was high, I was either 2nd or 3rd in the unit by his rating. The XO specifically said the Navy places a lot of emphasis on this category. I'm not sure what the breakdown is these days, but take that for what its worth. Good luck on the selection.


I'm your huckleberry.
When I selected I didn't have a high GPA or a technical major (2.67 in History). My XO and other instructors in the unit said what probably helped me more than anything was the PNS rating. I don't remember what it was, but it was high, I was either 2nd or 3rd in the unit by his rating. The XO specifically said the Navy places a lot of emphasis on this category. I'm not sure what the breakdown is these days, but take that for what its worth. Good luck on the selection.

^ pretty much ditto the same case for me


There is no easy way to answer your question. The Navy's needs for SNA's change every year, so it's hard to predict whether you're competitive or not. When I selected last year, we had several people get SNA who had a GPA below 3.0 and were not engineers. However, the year before, the competition was much harder and a few people in that category did not get selected. The one thing that you have going for you is that you have a technical major, which the Navy is now putting a greater emphasis on. In fact, I think the Navy may give technical majors a small boost in service selection (anyone else heard this?). Good luck!


is clara ship
FWIW, my unit just recently had two senior (05 and 06) TW-2 staff members fly up and brief our aviation candidates and they said that last year there was a surplus of avialable pilot slots....this probably won't mean anything for you, but the general word I have been hearing from staff members around my unit is that SNA has not been as competitive in the last 3 years as it was previously. Obviously take this with a big grain of salt, but in terms of your stats, I personally know half a dozen guys who picked up SNA with a lower GPA than you (and less impressive packages overall). I would not worry; it seems like you have put the work in


My main frustration is that I feel I am borderline and I have heard about a push and a need for NFO's.

You can thank PRK for that.

I think they should just start throwing middies who want SNA into a steel cage death match. They could make it a Navy Ball fundraiser or something on PPV.


Are you threatening me?
Super Moderator
Just got my NROTC service selection package sent out today. Looking for some input on how competitive I may be.

GPA 3.16
Civil Engineering Major
PNS Points: 93
5/5/6 ASTB 52 OAR
Outstanding Medium PRT
Never have had a bad FITREP or write-up

My designator choices are 1. Pilot 2. NFO 3. SWO

My main frustration is that I feel I am borderline and I have heard about a push and a need for NFO's. My FOFAR is the highest of my ASTB and am getting worried that I may get selected for NFO as apposed to pilot. I also took all of my calc's and physics my freshman year (which was my worst year) and got:

Calc I - C
Calc II - D
Phys I - B+
Phys II - D

After the bad freshman year I have never gotten below a B, just hoping the selection board will be able to see that.
Any responses appreciated

I think your stats look pretty good. The good engineering GPA will help you out for sure, as will your PFA score and PNS points. Nuke looks more at your calc/physics, so that shouldnt be a huge issue. If you don't get pilot, NFO will be no problem.


I'm your huckleberry.
The PNS (Professor of Naval Science - CO of a NROTC Battalion) assigns points to each graduating 1/c, can't remember if it's in accordance with a ranking system, or if he/she can arbitrarily give the same number of points to multiple people. Either way, as I remember it it's based on his/her opinion of you and your leadership/officer potential, basically what they think of you. Anyone who's come from it more recently please add on.


New Member
I think the Navy may give technical majors a small boost in service selection (anyone else heard this?).

That's correct, after they run your numbers (GPA, PFA, Evals) they come up with a score out of 100. Then they add 5 points on top of whatever that is for a technical major.

I just got selected SNA and compared to myself and others I know commissioned in the last 6 months, you should have no problem.


New Member

Thanks all for the responses, i will definitely keep updated my status on this thread. In regards to the PNS points, I was under the impression that the Capt/Staffers gave the number one graduate 100, #2 99, #3 98, so on and so forth. Still not really sure if that is exactly what it is.


Are you threatening me?
Super Moderator
Thanks all for the responses, i will definitely keep updated my status on this thread. In regards to the PNS points, I was under the impression that the Capt/Staffers gave the number one graduate 100, #2 99, #3 98, so on and so forth. Still not really sure if that is exactly what it is.

in theory thats how it should work...in practice not so much. i know my old CO ranked us like that, but I believe a CO could give everyone a 100 if he wanted.


New Member

I know that NFO should not be a problem and that is what I'm worried about...do not want to be a back seater


Are you threatening me?
Super Moderator
I know that NFO should not be a problem and that is what I'm worried about...do not want to be a back seater

if that's how you feel, I hope you're dont get to be an NFO either, hardly seems like the attitude.


I know that NFO should not be a problem and that is what I'm worried about...do not want to be a back seater

Well cnata, I would be lying if I said I didn't think the same things when I was where you are... I counted myself lucky when i didn't score high enough on my fofar to qual for an snfo slot out for nrotc, and got sna. However i was in API during the large FY'04 SNA cuts, and was placed in a situation where I was going to have chose between transferring to SNFO, or try to lat tansfer to a RL community(where pretty much all were full) or get IRAD'd. I had a pretty tough time weighing all my options and deciding what I was going to do (I was pretty bitter at the Navy and the aviation community in general for screwing myself and a bunch of my friends over, and I didn't really know what NFO's did beside ride around in the back of the plane doing nav with their whizwheels)...

Things worked out and I got to keep my original job. However, a couple weeks ago some discussion came up and caused me to glance back at the options presented to me at that time. If I knew then what know now (from exposure to FO transitions in TRACOM as well as some fleet guys, and my friends who went through the pipeline themselves) my decision would have been an easy one-I would have gone SNFO.

I'll let the guys who actually do the job full tell you more about it (do a search and look through some of their stories), but basically my thoughts boil down to this- most/all joking around aside- its an important job, your a member of the team and your still in aviation, and after talking to my friends who have been on ships and subs- life is a lot better in bags then it is in a poopy suit.

I know a good amount of FO's. Some were perfectly happy with their selection for their first choice. Some originally were very disappointed that they didn't get to be pilots, but got over it once they got into flightschool and started learning their jobs and their mission. There were others who didn't outgrow the "stick envy/chip on the shoulder" attitude and they didn't last very long in the pipeline (and I haven't met any others who have that attitude with wings yet). Others are very happy to be FOs because they are no longer living life as ships company.

You did put NFO down as your second choice for service selection so you better do some research on the community, and start looking at the positives to it. The last thing people will want to do in P'cola is deal with you if you don't want to be there or have a giant chip on your shoulder.

NozeMan said:
if that's how you feel, I hope you're dont get to be an NFO either, hardly seems like the attitude.

NozeMan, that is actually fairly common attitude around service selection time. I think a lot of it has to do with the lack of understanding of what NFO's really do, whether the cause of that is lack of exposure or just having people who don't do the job tell you that you "don't want to be in aviation if you can't fly the plane" or "you don't want to be a second class citizen". I think once people get more exposure their opinions change somewhat and their attitudes towards the community improve.